Thursday 25 July 2019

the yeetles

way too much whiskey in my blood
i feel my body giving up
can i hold on for another night?
what do i do with all this time?
there is a recurring pattern of me listening artists' music AFTER they come to Sydney and I miss their concert
I've gotten to thinking, am I really too old to be acting like the dumb alcoholic that I am


after doing nothing at home for a hot minute, decided to go hang out with boo bae Niina Lagesen and get some study in. Little did I know she had no intention of studying at all lmfao so when I arrived at her house we legit cleaned her room and then went out to get some food. 

tried one of her whack non Yang Guo Fu malatang places in kensington. TWAS NOT GOOD but whatever I got very full and very gassy in no time. Legit malatang gives me the shits like nothing else. bought some 10 14 tea then drove back to her house
we sat our fat asses in the car for two hours drinking milk tea and singing to our entire lifetime of songs. looking forward to the next time we do this in like 6 months xD. we slept quite late and I gassed up her room


I dropped Niina off first then found parking. Time for our BESS HACKATHON with the Yeetles!! I went in with 0 expections but like ideally wanted to come third to win the JBL speakers. Legit viv tran kept saying how bad she wanted to speakers but knowing how talentless we were, we weren't expecting much.
Spent the first half the hackathon coming up with an idea for our display case and then second half actually fleshing it out and creating our presentation. Some random girl joined our team because she didn't have a team but she didn't do much....
had to duck out twice to get started on some SA work with Laurene and Tina. Tina I had met once before at Brenda's house before CEUS ball and she legit got so drunk and funny on ONE soju shot. I still remember hehehe and we drank in the back of the uber that was driving us and got told lmaoooo. Also got my MTRN3500 checkpoint marked off.

Anywho, we must've done smth right because guess the fuck what, The Yeetles CAME THIRD!!!! there were legit like 20 teams so we were sososoos shocked HAHAHHA. When they announced it we laughed so loudly because number 1 she said "The Yeetles" and number 2, our idea was so mediocre. BUT OUR PRESENTATION WAS BANGINGGGG so whatever xD. Awkward though because they only have four speakers to give us so the last girl in our team didn't get anything oop
Afterwards, went to Bunnings with Niina to get some hecking wood and epoxy for our BIOM project. Dropped Niina off at the uni gym, went to maccas to buy some food for starving Amy and then went to Ainsworth to "study" with Bree, Yiyi and Alcuin. I stayed there for a solid 1.5 hours doing absolutely NO WORK what a waste of time xD. Dropped Bree at her bus stop and Alcuin at his car then vroom vroomed home. 

Watched some eps of season 5 drag race, then some eps of season 6 untucked.... this show is consuming my life why


woke up late, made breakfast for my mumma and watched some drag race with her. blogged and about to got ready for speed networking night wahoo

in other news, Chainsmokers + Illenium + Lennon Stella ??? i am excite
and here is my pretty cat! I think she's losing weight HAHAHAHAHAHAHHA she looks pretty again!!!! 
Speed networking was very uneventful. Took some videos, ate a shitton of food and served water like a  second rate waitress. Only funny thing is Tanvi was stuck downstairs for like 15 mins because the security guard didn't let her up the lift so Yushi and I went down to get her and then we got stuck.... so we stayed in the lift and it went up to level 8 and down to ground a couple of times before we finally went outside to plead with the seccy to let us up. 
Nek minnit found out that Danika went down to ground to get us so now she was stuck HAHAHAHHAHA so I had to go back down and get her tooooooo WHAT A MESS
we r cute
anywhooooo, took the train home to fairfield, got picked up by my papa and that was my day


went to amy's to study study study. found amy and stephen cuddled up on the couch watching stranger things ("we were waiting for you to get here").
THEN had dinz with fd and feng!! first time eating with them in probs a year. tried dargon bowl malatang which was yummy but pricey for my poor asssss
then had herbel jelly dessert at blackball hursy?? TWAS CHILL caught up

then went back to Amy's with the promise of badminton but when I called up to book they had no courts free so I went home :((

Had my PR subcom meeting then another meeting with Niina and Lavanya about DCE. thennnnn I did some more SA work and went to bed 


absolute banger!!! 
had 10am meeting with my robotics team, did nothing during my lab and then started building the prosthetic leg for my biom assignment. accidentally wore my rainbow socks to uni LMFAOOOo i look like a goddamn psycho
Stephen came to help us because our damper wasn't dampening ??? ? legit waht the heckles we full pumped so much air into it but it did naht work so something is wrong

ANYWHO, chilled in Ainsworht, had a meeting with some course coordinator that we're designing this shit for AND THEN ya yeet going to go ice skating tonight ehehehehehehehehehehhe

update, I went to ice skating and it was a fun time. haven't been ice skating in a while and legit was just doing my own thing but apparently i was flexing. Can't help that I'm talented...
the long rainbow socks actually was a v good subconscious decision

Bree feel and concussed her damn head, Danika fell and bruised her elbow, Nafisa was just terrible at ice skating BUT THATS OK!! Viv looked like she was a 90 year old woman hobbling along, Yiyi was like alright I guess, Niina was actually pree good!! and then Hasara was just being a mum and looking after everyone and making sure we were all having a good time

Ate dinz at Wallaby Thai??? twas good and quite cheap because Yiyi and I shared heheh. then Yiyi dropped me homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

HAPPY DAY TODAY!!! also I'm shitting my pants for tomorrow but that's not a story for this blog x


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