Wednesday 3 July 2019

not bhed

Last Thursday

Last week went by in a total blur. I had to finish up my MTRN3500 and MTRN4230 assignments before I left for Port Stephens and honestly, have never been prouder of myself EVER for actually getting off my ass and doing them.

Stayed until 11 pm on Thursday to get the last bit of 3500 done with YIYI before she abandoned me. I did the sample q and it wasn't too bad so was feeling quite confident hehe. As I was about to leave, Maria, Tien and some random dude called Martin were leaving and they asked if I was taking the train too and I said nah, I drove and but knowing them, I straight up said, "but nah not driving any of you home I'm too tired"

and then Tien goes, where do you live??

and hesitantly I'm like ... Carramar

and then she goes, what street

and I'm like ... River Avenue

and then she's like ... same ...


felt bad so just drove her home (she legit lives like 2 mins away from me) and also dropped martin off at Fairfield station so he could uber home. twas such a random awkward car trip jesus I just wanted to listen to my fuckin bangerz

Port Stephens

Day 1

I legit have 0 photos from first day :( But basically, went to Amy's house to drop my car off, then we went to Hurstville to pick up Andrew and then VROOM VROOM'D all the way to .... Greenacre mcdonalds lmfao. We stopped to grab fuel up then actually VROOM VROOM'D all the way to Port Stephens. 

Got to the house and settled in before heading to Woolies to get groceries!! 

The idea was that we were going to do a My Kitchen Rules style thing in two teams. Each team had to make an entree, main and dessert. The first team was Eugene, Stephen and Andrew and omfg they worked so silently and meticulously for a full 3 hours AND THEN FINALLY after starving for many many many many many hours, THEY FED US

Entree - some kinda chunky soup?? I rated it a 8 because it was so yummy but was missing a wow factor
Main - Pork katsu with rice, curry sauce and coleslaw. I rated only 7 because there was just too much food overall they didn't really thing through the portion sizes lermaoooo AND also the sauce was too salty for me
Dessert - CHOCOLATE MUD CAKE - holy fuck andrew made this and it was SOSOSOSO good but he added some weird lemon cheese topping thing that kinda ruined it but luckily it was easy to remove

played lots of code names (i'm such a dumbfuck I thought stonehenge was in greece and was made from marble...). Everyone except for Stephen and I got lots of DRUNK. Like Eugene and Andrew both vomitted, Amy was essentially possessed and Mei was just.... red. 

Eventually when everyone calmed down Stephen and I kinda got drunk so we decided to watch the Ashley O episode on Netflix HAHAHHA. I was v angry at everything that was happening to her in the show. I

Day 2

had a wholesome brekky :)
then set out to the sand dunes to do some sandboarding!!
I think I only slid down the hill maybe 3 times because PHAT CEEBS walking up the hill every time but it was fun for the 3 seconds that it lasted. We spent an extended period of time just at the top of the hill doing jack alllllllll. They started drawing mysterious patterns around Andrew and worshipping him.
 we did a human pyramid and managed not to die OMGGGG!! this is the most symmetrical human pyramid i have ever done.
 made andrew take a photo wth me because we were both wearing 50/50
YEEEET then took the bus back, drove for a tad then we arrived at our second destination: QUAD BIKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE WERE SOOOO excited at the beginning like MUCH WOW the bike is so powerful and its so cool being able to control such a massive thing and make it go 40 km/h which feels heckin fast when you're e x p o s e d like that
 hide yo kids
 eventually we got bored of going around in circles .... so we went around in smaller circles and attempted to draw the largest sand penis EVER
the two balls turned out really well but then the shaft wasn't that visible :((((

The instructors and other participants started laughing when they saw what we were doing lmfao

YE and then like fast forward 1.5 hours later of quad biking, we were all ready to fkn collapse

We went back home then it was me Amy and Mei's turn to cook hehhehehehe... we made soup for entree, gnocchi thingo for main and then KEY LIME PIE for dessert. everything actually went pretty according to plan and it all tasted (quite) good . I actually really liked the gnocchi dish xD

ANYWHO, we got drunk again but this time we played jungle speed and holy shit ITS THE BEST GAME EVERRR esp when u get a bit rowdy. Stpehen and I were drinking so much the whole night and we got v drunk

IT took me half an hour to get into bed because I kept finding different ways to incorporate "not bhed, good soize" into Eugene and I's conversation. WAS SO FUNNY like we were both crying from laughter.

Day 3

had a chill morning with more yumm0 breakfast. Cleaned up the house then headed to the beach without Mei because she doesn't like beaches. 
we walked all the way to the sand bridge connecting Fingal Bay and Shark Island. Last time we went here with the Cambodians but we didn't end up crossing the sand bridge for some reason. 

When we got there, the tide had already risen to cover the sand bridge by like 50 cm and Eugene had JSUT read that at least 15 people had died at this spot from crossing the bridge when it was high tide/

but Stephen, Amy and I were like FUCK IT already walked so far so we just trudged across in the knee high water. It ended up being completely fine like it didnt get deeper than halfway up the thigh SO WE WERE V SAFE.  made it to shark island, said a quick hello to the seagulls and then returned back .

We had a cute lil picnic on the sand and then went back to air bnb just in time for the sunset. 
 took one last photo with these mofos  and then drove back to sydney :)
stopped by a heckin delicious chinese restaurant in chatswood on the way back to Amy's. 

what a gr9 weekend


I feel like ive been blogging for hours but its been like 20 minutes -.-

MONDAY!!! couldn't wake up for my 9am lecture and like messaged yiyi being like.... I ain't gonna make it... so she too went back to sleep. teamwork makes the dream WORK. been having the absolute whackest dreams lately. Other day I dreamt two of my teeth fell out and I was depressed.

Anywho, made it to uni for my robotics lecture and sat next to rachel and cosette and learnt very very little lmfaooooo THE THEORY IS SO DRY FOR THIS SUBJECT HECK ME. Then got assessed for one of the assignments i finished before port stephens, got 100% and then got assessed for the other and also got 100% cus I'm a star xx. They were only worth 6% and 8% respectively tho so not as ya yeet I guess. 

chilled with wiesoc gOrls for a bit to finalise 50/50 album and shiet and then stayed at uni with yiyi until she drove Dan and I home much wow. Was blasting 00's bangers in the car and fUCK them uncultured swines didn't know so many songs. 

cheeky plug but not really cheeky, just a plug 

check out the album its lit
>>> HERE <<<


slept in today, watched the first episode of Chernobyl (its REALLY GOOD) did a bunch of wiesoc stuffs in the morning, went to tutoring for what felt like 3 BILLION years, had dinner at Bianca's house, went to Officeworks to get a drone for dad's birthday and now I'm here.

peace out


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