Friday 12 July 2019


when your friends buy your merch xD

damn its been a hot minute since I blogged


Had lunch with my mum's side of the family to celebrate my grandma's birthday. It was really boring and weird because half the family hates the other half so like yeah just talked to my sis the whole time. 

Tutored Lily and Aidan then I think I went home?? I really cannot remember. 


Went to uni with Dalz and got there at 7:40 am. Studied in SEB for a little bit then had class from 9-11. Yiyi and I were  concentrating REALLY HARD in the lecture like truly entered a higher plane of existence from learning so much. Then had meeting with a few other engo students and a faculty member to choose the winner for the teaching award? Was quite a random thing but it was cool. 

Then had more class until 5pm I was beyond mind pooped like my brain was just runny diarrhoea. Learnt a lot I guess??? started my mtrn3500 assignment hehehhe WHO AM I?? went to Ainsworth to study with bree breeeeeeeee and waited for Phuc to finish his exam. did a bit of running around to get keys from Phuc, meet up with Dalz to move his car zzzzz.

then phuc drove me home, we dropped by maccas on the way back to satisfy THEM HUNGERz.


Got a lift from Dalz to uni again but got there like noon-ish?? Decided to dick around in Seb because hadn't seen selz in sososo long. When I got there, Brendaddy and Lizzie were also studying!!! Hahahah had nice catch up and lowkey gossip session. But I was in no mood to actually studyyyyy so I did very little work. 

Met up with Lianne and we got a lift to da city from PhucBoi. Saw Ohana again for Lianne's bday dinner at Home Thai. It was very chill, we all hadn't seen each other in a very long time and holee shit everyone is doing so much in their lives O_O. WE OLD AS SHIT.

Had dessert at Oh Matcha underneath world square and then DISPERSEDDD


Had the strangest most unproductive day on Wednesday. Picked up Dalz and got to uni at 8 am. Studied until 11 with Bree Bree, saw Amy and Andrew very briefly in optom labs then went to meet FUNGUS at Roundhouse. They had $16 jugs which we wanted but also didn't know what beer to get so we asked the bartender and he said.. I assume you aren't big beer drinkers and we laughed. 
Andrew, Lianus and Lulu joined us. Got a little bit tipsy then went to the EWH BBQ to say hi to all the Cambodians and also steal a sausage.

Went back to Whitehouse to eat with Ohana and had my wellness check with Jemima over the phone. It was very chill because I have no problems with WIESoc rn hehehe. 

then visited SEB where I saw Joanne for no joke the first time this semester. Legit missed her swoonbae assss and caught up for a bit before we left because Andrew was really bored and also they wanted to study. Amy Lim trying to bait me to go Marlo -.------ but I don't like trance and have zero dollars.
Sat outside on the wall next to Globe Lawn with Andrew for a solid 40 minutes being bored as heck. We were just chatting about nothing and listening to music. Sobered up before going up to Ainsworth Level 5 to do nothing in a different location. Mei joined us and we continued to be public nuisances until Amy finished class.

Had ramen at Manpuku before we picked up Stephen from the airport. He had been missing in Fiji for a few days XD.
went back to Stephen's home where the Saucy Six had the littest nightttt. I was designated driver for Amy and myself so I had to stay sober but honestly didn't even mind. I drink to cope with social anxiety and I feel none when I'm around them so ya yeet XD. W

e talked about what went down during Eugene's birthday and then played many many rounds of Jungle Speed. We all teamed up against Andrew because he had won 2 games in a row ffs BUT THEN in the heat of the game we told off Amy for always guarding the totem pole and then she started CRYING SO MUCH. We thought she was joking and tried to cheer her up but heck she wasn't joking and was actually mad at all of us (also quite drunk by that point HAHAHAHHAHAHA). During this chaos, I got a call from my mum and that is when the night went downhill

She starts yelling at me about how I disrespected the family blah blah blah by leaving Angus' Port Stephens' guest house in total disarray, how I was a shit daughter, how its all my fault that my sister is crying rn AND LIKE I'M THOROUGHLY CONFUSED because as The Saucy Six can testify, we never cleaned anything with that much vigour. 

ANYWHO my mum's like.... look at the state of your room I DON'T TRUST YOU WHEN YOU SAY YOU CLEANED THE GUESTHOUSE. and at this point I want to start crying because she's never said anything like that before. BRUH do you think I'm fucking dumb just cus my room is messy doesn't mean I'm going to leave Angus' present to me like a fucking pig sty. We legit washed all the sheets, vacuumed the entire house, wiped down all the benches and hecking even cleaned the oven for them AND THEY HAVE THE BALLS TO SAY WE DIDN'T CLEAN THE HOUSE.

anywho, turned out to be a big misunderstanding and like words got twisted in the process but yeah it was all sorted out by the end of the night after talking to Angus. Except my mum still was refusing to reply to any of my texts so phat ceebs just slept at Amy's house and was gonna deal with it tmr night. 


Woke up at 6 bloody am to get to my 8 am WIESoc meeting. Hate maself for putting it then but there's no other time when we're all available. 
vroom vroomed to uni and got there at 7 am... an hour early so I just parked on Barker street and had a deep deep nap. Meeting was actually really fun and chill because it was at Penny Lane XD

then killed some time and was about to join the events subcommittee meeting at Law when I see Cosette in a meeting room in law and I wave to her and walk off. 5 MINS LATER she messages me, "are you not coming to the meeting today?" and then I realised I HAD A MEETING FOR MY ROBOTICS GROUP ASSIGNMENT THEN HAHAHHAHAHHA. So I went to the robotics one for half an hour then popped into the events team one to pitch them the themes.

Went to SEB with niina to meet brendaddy to sign phuc's card. Then powerwalked to my robotics tute which again was very useless because he just gave us this 5 min tutorial on how to do next week's exam.

went back to Ainsworth to waste time with Bree, Niina and Yiyi. had biom class where we did absolutely nothing. Went to lend my chin to Amy so she could film her optom project ahhahahahh it was so funny.

went back to Ainsworth to waste even more time then had exec meeting in ELEC building. Ceebs as heck, then bonding at The Soda Factory. FOOD WAS SOSOSOSO YUM but mood was strange because Taimdaddy was not his usual energetic self. Bree drove my car out to the city to pick us up then we went to Darlinghurst of all places for some messina. HEHAHHHEHAEHH was a good time.



organised with WIESoc 10 billion years ago, now Joanne messaging group chat to go to Carter, last minute invite to Leo's birthday with Saucy Six, Phuc's surprise thing is tonight and then NOW FUCKING CAMBODIANS ARE HINTING THEY WANNA DO SOMETHING TONIGHT WTF WHY u goddamn hoes


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