Sunday 21 July 2019

adding some holes to my ears


sneaky lift from Dalz again (thank u mom). Ate my pizza and then went to meeting for my robotics group assignment. It was quite uneventful, no one really had done anything so its chillll.
Had the actual robotics lab, demonstrated me moving the robot arm for more free marks and then sat around chatting to Cosette about a certain smelly makerspace employee and LinkedIn. We were trying not to be dogs by leaving the tute early while the rest of our team members were like fussing over the robot camera. But it aint our section so ceebs??

Had BIOM class with Niina and we had a short team progress check before we leftttt. Studied in Ainsworth for a while but was feeling really annoying because I had nothing due soon.
Amy came to kill time before Stephen was done sooooooo WE PLAYED SIMS!!!! omfg she showed me all her families and this guy she made looks so much like Adam I can't. Also we made April Carrion from Rupaul's Drag Race, twas soooo funny how good she looked
Then went to Hurstville to watch Spiderman with Amy and Stephen. IT WAS REALLY REALLY GOOOOOOOOD I liked it v much. Tom Holland is actually perfect spiderman. Then I went homeeeeeeee


Woke up late and went to meet Niina, Yiyi, Viv, Vincent, Bree and Yushi at Off Ya Tree to get some new ear piercings WAHOOOOOO. We had to wait about 2 hours cus of the long ass waiting line but thats chill, we sat at a cafe and did nothing. Bought tickets with Bree to see Trixie and Katya in legit exactly one year. I HAVE NO MONEY I need to stop recklessly spending 
Yiyi, went first - she said it didn't hurt too much. Then twas my turn!! Yiyi FUCKING LIED holy shit it hurt sooooo bad. I got both seconds done and also my left helix and legit wanted to kms more and more after every piercing. The first one she did, my helix actually didn't hurt too much. But then she went in so fucking slowly for the lobe and legit wanted to die. AND THEN THE LAST ONE HOLY FUCK I was bout to cry. but I aint no weak bitch so I just made a grimacing face instead lermaoooooo. 
Yushi did her tragus then Bree bree who looked like she was like 2 seconds away from passing out went in to do her conch. YAHHOOOOO. So bloody random but worth I guess. Now I have to take care of the three new holes I have in my body and try not to get them infected.

Took the bus back to uni with Yiyi then jumped into Amy's car to go back to her home. We dropped by IGA first to buy ingredients for pizza heheh. Made the most random pizzas ever but they were actually pretty decent?? I feel like if you chuck enough cheese and meat on anything it'll taste nice.
Stephen came over too and we watched Fruitvale Station, the last ep of Rupauls' Drag Race season 6 and thennnnn managed to also fit in Memoirs of a Geisha before 2am. They were both falling asleep after Drag Race but like actually stayed engaged during the entirety of Memoirs. WHAT A BANGER OF A MOVIE it makes less sense every time I watch it but whatever its still COOL as shit.

Look at Stephen holding his own hand hehehe


Woke up at Amy's and we made brekky, finished of Stranger Things season 3 YA YEEEET. What a good season holy shiettt. //person// is still totally alive tho we didn't see the body or anything. But the last 15 mins of that episode was fucking prime TV had all the feels JESUS. I feel one of the major things I like about Stranger Things is how good the world building is? like everything feels so real and looks amazing tooooooooooooooooOoOooOo

For once in like the 11 years of our friendship, I helped Amy get ready!! She had to go to her Optometry Eyeball and I helped her curl her hair and make her pretty pretty heheheh 
Stephanie picked Amy, Stephen and I up from Amy's house then dropped me off at a bus stop. Didn't want to go home so managed to convince Jo to come out and drink with me!!!! But had to kill some time before she got to the city so I crashed at Bree's house for an hour HAHAHAHHA SO FUCKING RANDOM. I walked in and her cute little grandparents were so kind and greeted me (I was dressed like an actual hobo). We watched the first ep of season 5 drag race LMERFOOFOADFO penny tration i cant. Also Bree is an actual encyclopedia of drag race knowledge its quite a talent

thanked Bree for letting me waste her air, then met Jo at Town Hall. We went to Sanct to have a few drinks and catch up then joined new vsa committee who were all high as SHIT after their soccer day. We went to soju alley and drank lots of soju and talked about absolutely nothing. The police came and we hid our soju and like legit turned into fucking actors being like, "yeah we're just sitting and eating wicked wings" and the police were so nice to us like, "yeah... lots of people come here to drink so as long as you aren't its chill" and we were like yeah what is alcohol?? 
Then met up with Selz and went back to Sanct FFFSsss. Sat on a table with Selz, Jo, Cam and some dude from YS I think? and just talked, drank another long island and stumbled to Town Hall with Jo. Parted ways and then began the quest to get home with 3 TRAIN CHANGES WHILE LEGIT SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO fked. I called Amy and Stephen and they stayed on the phone with me to make sure I didn't fall asleep and end up in Penrith but I still managed to fucking miss the switch at Birrong for some reason?? ended up in Yagoona but was lucky because my train still passed there.

ANYWHO, got home was v drunk what a spontaneous night to fuel my alcoholism and deplete my bank account further


woke up feeling hella good actually. Went to tutor my kid and passed a RBT on the way there and legit freaked out but yo they didn't stop me so is all good
Went home, and now not doing anything x



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