Saturday 6 July 2019

Eugene's 21st

this popped up in my Facebook memories ahaha. Back when I exercised and my walls were not BLUE


got to uni and saw this bright yellow SPOT in my peripheral vision nek minnit its Yiyi and we were matching 
how wholesomeeeee WHOLESOME I did my wellness checks with my PR team and like HECK ME its been so wholesome. Spent about 2 hours doing them and like I thought I'd run out of things to talk about in half an hour but yo they all went hella quick.

ANYWHO, studied with Lianne at Ainsworth for most of the day. Kept looking over at her screen and being very thankful I do not do law. Helped Bree with her computing shit, while Yiyi sat in the corner doing jesus knows what. Viv and her sis were playing computer games for so long.
then went to meet Niina at Niji, this really nice sushi restaurant that I did not know existed near uni. SUSHI WAS SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO GOOD ahh. We dropped by "the rege" to say hi to her dad first who was wearing a 50/50 hoodie that was way too small for him.
his old white men friends started asking us questions about 50/50 and one of them was like... well the only way to get more women into engineering is more handsome men...
niina and i swiftly exiting the pub

Niina was finishing off her assignment while I sorted a bajillion hoodies into alphabetical order -.-
then had my subcom meeting and like idk my team are just a bunch of fucktards
went on a late night maccas run to the UNSW maccas so it just felt like a typical night driving home from uni. ORdered way too much food but it was hella cheap so who cares. Then watched an ep of Chernobyl (HOW GOOD) before we slept


We got to uni at 9 am and with the aid of Miraal and Malavika, slave laboured to set up the 50/50 hoodies stall. Went back down to take some photos of the stall and friggen TAIMUR refused to smile in like all of them
had robotics class, got 100% for another stupid robot demonstration LMFAOOOO love these easy marks. I went super early this time so didn't have to wait around doing nothing. Then went back to Ainsy to like study / do nothing until Niina and I's round 2 meeting with Nathan. We pitched him the idea for the leg and he seemed a bit let down tbh but we legit can't do anything really good with the $300 budget with have. 

Went back to the stall to help them with packup but they didn't really need any help at all. Hung out with Jemima, Bree and Angela at the roundy until they had to leave to watch a movie. It was really fun and chill lmfao I was just super tired but roundhouse vibes r always nice. Went to Ainsworth to kill some time before leaving for my dad's birthday dinner at Chatswood.
Mum was getting to Central around the same time I was so we took the train together to Chatswood. LEGIT matching with her as well. so much ketchup and mustard the past two days. 
Sister took us to this place called Haidilao which translates literally to ladling the sea floor HAHAHHA cus with hotpot you're stirring the ladle around the bottom of the pot to find shit. IT WAS SOOOOOO yum the lamb was 10/10 would recommend and it wasn't even that expensive.
gave dad his present (drone) and cake and he was v v v happy.
went home and left my car at uni overnight. found out later that I did not lock it...


Went to uni for legit 1 hour to do the 50/50 stall. phat ceebs, we are missing 4 small hoodies I'm so confused and annoyED.

then walked to my car and drove to Amy's place to get ready for Eugene's and make some dessert xD. I messaged Angela for some dessert ideas and she sent me this super simple cheesecake recipe and her own like homemade special caramel recipe.

was getting stressed because the caramel kept fkn crystallising -.---- had to make it twice and the second time round when it started crystallising I added a fuck ton of water to it until all the sugar dissolved again. Then like when it was almost the right colour IT STARTED CRYSTALLISING AGAIN???? but whatever I just added the butter and the thickened cream and strained it to get the phat crystals out. IT TURNED OUT SOSOSOSOS YUM

Andrew was helpin out too by ramming the biscuit base into the shot glasses and also piping the cream cheese mixture in. WHAT A CHEF. 
Then we made our way to the party!! We ended up having to help Eugene a lot because Tina and Lisa, the two THOTS she was having the joint party with, were completely inept and forgot to buy so so so much shit. So Andrew, Stephen and I had to get extra supplies from like bottle shop and woolies. Met up with Mei and we went on a snack run because ceebs being holed up in the air bnb. When we got back, they realised that they forgot to buy cupsssss ffs so Mei and I volunteered to go get them.

the actual party was quite fun!! many things happen that I don't really remember but the highlights:
  • Eugene dying after cutting the cake
  • Alanah, Hanna and I tying balloon strings in our hair
  • my drunk conversation with Evan and Daren about life and like the most wholesome things EVER. Evan tryna get out there again and like he was telling us how he wants to find a nice girl and settle down idk so cute and then Daren saying he respected me ... and also that everyone is a little bit gay I LAUGHED SO HARD
  • Meeting Leo Jiang and me insisting that him and Benette were not twins when in fact I found out this morning, they actually are
  • me guarding the door from stupid bitches that wanted to come into the bedroom we were in where Eugene was dying
  • me hiding in the closet and listening to music because I was bored of their league of legends conversation
  • then stephen and amy opening the closet door in a panic once they found out I was in there again
  • Grace Kwon arriving and being so funny and random
Evan is such a wholesome BOY someone please date him
YEAH then we went back to Amy's and we were all sososososoo drunk cus of the fireball. but what a lit time. I may or may not have drunk called Bree  and legit don't recall anything I said to her at all except that people are actually inept and that she sounded very very tired


woke up at Amy's today, made some scrambled eggs for breakfast. everyone in the saucy six now has their 50/50 hoodie except for eugene
chilled for a bit before taking andrew to the doctor about his ripped open ear (which he didn't end up getting checked anyway), and then met Mei for yum cha. The yum cha place we went to was quite gooooooood but we spent $88 in total.  
Then went to chatime, then back to Amy's to watch 20th Centruy Woman which Andrew fell asleep during (understandable). Dropped Amy off at the station and I am now home.

Had such a good time the last 24 hours I feel so normal. Like yenno when u spend time with people who really care about you and you feel like a normal human being again?? that is me. back to hecking tutoring tmr what a ceebs.


julia michaels' new album is literally banging... im so obsessed


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