Saturday 27 July 2019

she was a sk8erboi

character development

asdfk;sadjfasghajksdhfasldkfhjasldjhlaskjghla WHAT A FUN DAY hehehe HEHEHE
cute date xD, not bhed not bhed
then drove to Alexandria for bonding with my PR TEAM YA YEEEEEEEET. Genuinely was dreading it because I fucking hate rock climbing but it ended up being SOSOSOSO fun omfg!!! Like everyone was having a go even tho legit 50% of my team are scared of heights wtf weak BITCHES. The guy supervising us was so so so bored so he hid a bunch of free climbing coupons around the walls and we had to find them!!!
CUTE PR TEAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM XDDDDDDDDD minus my most concerning director.
then we went to this pizzaria next door and had some hecking good pizza and pasta. THE MAGHERITA, RISOTTO AND GNOCCHI WERE ACTUALLY ALLLLLLLLL SOOOOOOO GOOD!!!
vroom vroomed tara and lavanya to mascot station (literally was there less than 24 hours ago) and then drove home
have been watching rupaul's drag race since then and am having a heckin good time!!!!!!!!!! 

haven't done any work in so goddamn LONG and like I am going to be so screwed very soon


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