Monday 15 February 2016


HAPPY DAYZ i quit me oi!!! I told boss I could work a couple more weeks until he found staff but checked roster yesterday and I wasnt rostered at all 😂😂😂

But then workmate called me yesterday and asked if I could take her shift cus she got fever and just came back from Vietnam so I was like ok. Then texted my boss being like "heyyyy i technically quit but she just asked me to take her shift soooo??" and he was like yeh ok you can work.

So today is possibly my last Me Oi shift ever 😁

Much mixed feelings because I didn't love it and didn't hate it. Like some of the people were super nice and I had heaps of fun when the boss wasnt there. And will miss raking in $600 a week but won't miss the crazy hours. And won't miss all the times they just talked in viet and I would have no idea what was going on.

Feeling so sentimental and wish I could write all the staff a thank you letter or something but will be ceebs.

Looking forward to the spare time I will have. Will probs be swamped preparing Jimmy work but still better than having 0 time at all.

Also there is not enough staff marking at Peak atm so gotta go more often :/ hate marking sometimes its so tedious.

Can't believe uni is starting in like 2 weeks 😪 I'm dreading waking early and trekking 1.5hrs to UNSW 5 days a week. Also dreading the shitloads of homework and assigments I'm going to get. Life is going too quickly. Where did that four month holiday go??? I wasted the first two months sitting around and doing nothing...

Hopefully I can juggle uni and Jimmy but if I can't, well then I'll just drown myself in glass putty.

Remind Me by Conrad Sewell giving me serious Sam Smith vibes but its so good.

Also went to The Usual Cafe today and it was so good omg: best bacon and egg sandwich I have ever had. And it cost $8. yay for cabra prices.

Bye friends and not so friends


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