Friday 12 February 2016


Basically me oi has been really bad to me for the past two weeks. They've rostered me mon-sat 9-5 and im getting so tired. But its funny cus im actually working the least out of everyone so I have so much respect for the girls who do 12 hrs per day, 7 days a week.

I told my boss last week that i couldnt do this saturday but he rostered me anyway. So i asked him like what??? I cant work??? And hes like too bad do i look like i have any staff to spare?!?! So I was freaking out cus I told Focus I could go observe classes this Saturday but now I couldnt?? So I had this whole plan in my head I was going to call the boss and say I quit and btw u cant make me work saturday boom Wow much burn.

Butttt last night I told Focus about my situation and they were like oh dw you  can observe classes next week. But i was supposed to observe saturday classes this week and then take them next week so the schedule is kinda pushed back a week cus of me. And the tutor is so busy she wanted to give me the class asap but cant do that anymore.

Lmao me oi ruins lives.

Anyway my schedule is basically the same as last week lol. Peak, Kevin, Jimmy and ofc my least favourite Me Oi. The only improved thing is on Tuesday I had time to go the Andrew's going away party. I had no clothes (only my me oi shirt) so FD brought me on of her shirts lmao.


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