Tuesday 23 February 2016

Mi Birthday party

Had my birthday party with family and relos on Sunday night at Marconi Club Star Buffet wow much wow. Yes it was very early because sis is going to China next Friday. Dunno why she needed to be there tho????? ask my parents lol.

Didn't really have much of an appetite so defs did not eat my $26 worth.

It was a pretty dull affair. Idk I was in a bad mood after tutoring so I didn't feel like celebrating and also I'm so socially awkward even around some of my fam friends so :/

I feel like the tradition to throw a big 18th party is kinda fading out. Idk it doesn't seem that fun anymore.

I remember when I was a kid I would attend all these peoples 18ths and 21sts and I would think to myself like wow can't wait till I'm this old and I'm going to have this huge party and it'll be so fun! I had heaps of fun at my older cousins' 18ths so like wow I was so optimistic as a kid. Now I look back I realise the diff between me and Manly, Roxie, Theresa, Rebecca, Jason, Wendy VS me is that I am very quiet and very introverted so I don't have such a big circle of friends and I just generally doubt everything I say and do so you can't exactly enjoy life with my attitude yenno.

Just missing the days when I was a kid and I had friends that I could confidently say were my friends and idk everything is just strange nowadays.

Nothing I do these days is autonomous. Like I say something but in my mind I'm thinking oh why am I saying this or when someone else says something I'm like why is their tone like that.

Its like I'm reflective to the point that its affecting everything I do.

Still waiting for this weird phase of my life to pass. Maybe I should stop writing about it so I can forget to think about these things.

Anyway this post took a pretty dark turn.

THESE ARE MY FAM FRIENDS. They are so cute. The girl is so hyper but asks a lot of intellectual questions like "DO YOU KNOW SCIENCE???". The little brother (YES HES A LOT BIGGER BUT HES THE YOUNGER ONE) is actually crazy. He makes me crack up all the time. He comes into my house and opens the piano and starts banging on keys even when I tell him no. He ALWAYS has to touch everything he sees. Like even if his mum grabs his hand, once she lets go he will touch it again. He gives absolutely no fucks. At my mum's childcare, when the phone rings he shouts in Chinese "LISTEN TO THE PHONE LISTEN TO THE PHONE LISTEN TO THE PHONE". When a train comes, he'll spin you around, then he'll point to it and say "TRAIN IS COMING".

Anyway the little girl made her own ice cream and put sprinkles on it so apparently it was pink ice cream now.
 Fam photo with my ass-hat sister. At least she bought me game of thrones monopoly.
 The carramar kids minus Amy and Nancy cus they in Taiwan
 Lol at Maria looking at my feet like WHAT ARE THOSE?!?!
 Confused as to how I'm almost an adult
 there was a cool lighter it was like a jet lighter or some shit much wow the flame shot out kinda like a bunsen burner. When I turned it sideways the flame was still like straight so it just always shot outwards even when you were holding it sideways. If that made no sense that's what its like being my tutor student.
Got so much red pocket do I need to work anymore?
was going to upload a pic of my dollars but no net


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