Sunday 28 February 2016

Ms Bates

Is it too late now to say sorry?

My year 5s at Jimmy have been the subject of my nightmares for the past few weeks. They are so loud all the time and when I tell them to be quiet they stay quiet for about 5 seconds and then they start talking again. One boy just doesn't do his work even when I tell him to. 

So what to do. Its so bad because the students who do want to learn can't because everyone is so loud and I'm too preoccupied with trying to shout over them.

This is the most struggle thing I have ever had to deal with. FD brought up the fact that my situation was pretty similar to Ms Bates' when we had her in year 10/11 I don't remember.

Basically almost the whole class would be so talking during the classes and she could never control us because she wasn't scary enough. This carried on throughout the year and eventually she gave up and literally just wrote stuff on the board without caring whether we were watching or not. She didn't even talk lol she just wrote. And then the next year she moved to a farm and looked after her birds. Starting to think she retired because she was sick of our shit. 

I'm getting close to that point...I want to just give up but I can't because:
a) the children wouldn't be learning maths
b) their parents would kill me
c) I would get fired

Tutoring is so bloody stressful. I was about to take a nap today but I kept tossing and turning for an hour thinking about how to deal with this class in the coming weeks. 

I talked to the tutor who had them beforehand and he said there were never any issues with noise. So I'm like??????????? And I can't impose this like scary and strict personality because it just ain't me. I'm such a ~do whatever you want~ person. So struggle.

Also starting uni tomorrow so like how am I going to juggle uni, tutoring and a uni life? I don't think its going to happen. Already anticipating I won't be going to lectures after like the 2nd week. 


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