Sunday 21 February 2016

Black Sheep & Year 9s

Rewatched a bit of Scott Pilgrim vs the world just for the lols.

Love this song
Only watched it because I was getting so bored of P.S I love you.

Also Blended was surprisingly funny. If you are bored and want a rom-com I recommend Blended lmao. (a quick net search revealed a 14% rating on rotten tomatoes so never mind about that, no one else agrees with me.) 
So today was my first day teaching the year 9 classes. I was stressing out because I was so under prepared lol. Legit I was preparing the lesson the night before omg. Struggles of being disorganised. 

I have the 9G, 9B and 9C classes. The 9G class is pretty slow. Like they are really slow with their equations and stuff :/ But they're really quiet which I quite like sometimes. (My year 5 classes are so crazy they never stop talking but sometimes I'm like pls stop and they don't stop).
There's this one kid in my year 5 who consistently writes 2 x 3 = 5

9C is pretty cool.

9B is my favourite so far because they are so studious but they also talk when I ask them questions so I'm not like talking to a wall. 

ANYWAY 9G and 9C went pretty smoothly. They were both doing co-ordinate geo so I just prepared the same stuff for them and it was all goods.

Then I got to 9B with all this trig stuff prepared NEK MINNIT they tell me they just did a trig test and I'm like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh welllllllll...................So I had to bullshit my way through a 1.5 hour lesson OF FURTHER CONSUMER ARITHMETIC. Luckily I had a year 9 textbook with me so I kinda just followed the order that the textbook taught it in?? But it was consumer arithmetic so like ugh gross. I don't even understand it myself so how am I supposed to teach it to others. 

Anyway it was such a long day of teaching omg. But time goes by faster when you're teaching rather than learning. 

Then got home and prepared stuff for Kevin for like 4 hours. Legit photocopying peak worksheets and stuff then whiting them out on the comp. What a struggle. 

My sister and my cousin Roxie were like, if you hate tutoring now, you should just give up and quit already. LOL. 

Except I don't hate it exactly I just hate the amount of work you have to do......I prefer private tutoring though because you actually know how the student is doing whereas public is just too hectic and there are too many students to keep up with,

I just realised at Peak they gave no fucks whether you understood or not LOL.

Have to get my life organised before uni starts. 

wish me luck imaginary people. 


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