Sunday 7 February 2016


Went to Viet New Year Festival (Cho Tet??) to get a community award for my 99+ atar. Amy's mum signed me up beforehand and I thought it was going to be a pretty small affair. Nek minnit, I arrive and there are a bajillion food stalls and shitloads of rides.

I also thought no one else we knew would be coming cus wtf is viet community right?????? HAHAHAHAH but legit we went to the meet-up point and all the viets from PEAK were there + many sbhs. Brendan Trinh who I've been messaging on fb every few hours was there as well!!
me and my girls
my father being strange as usual
walking to da stage for our rehearsal (yes phynia was there lol we did not know she was coming)
 Our families have gotten closer since cruise
 Some lion/dragon dancing

Many people from Peak think I'm an alcoholic. I had a bit too much to drink at Peak party and kept asking people the same questions over and over again. Also when I tell people I went on a cruise I always tell them about 5/9 drunk nights which were the most fun.

Everyone there is doing crazy shit in uni like USYD dent or UNSW med.

Anyway, we all kinda mingled and chatted for ages because we arrived at 4:30 but went on stage at like 7:30?? so 3 hours to kill.

We had a mini georges hall reunion with Victor Pham, Bosco, Amy and I showing up.
Basically we got called up on stage in ascending order of atars. They would literally say your name then ur atar and people would progressively clap louder lmao. Then you'd go on stage and shake some important peoples' hands then grab your plaque + red pocket and stand there. Bosco and some girl made a speech.
Then we moved forward and legit took photos for 5 whole minutes. 20 cameras pointed at us for 5 whole minutes while we had to maintain our smiles. My face actually hurt.
I look like a psycho cus i've been smiling for too long.
Took a photo with Bill Shorten. He's not that short. 
Tbh not even Vietnamese but yolo do it for the monies. I thought it was going to be $500 but it was only $250. Still better than nothing I guess. 
It was a fun day. Everyone was super nice. OH YEH saw Vickie Tran as well!! 

9-5 mon-sat next week again at Me Oi BYE FELICIA BYE. 


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