Wednesday 24 February 2016

Wednesday @ O-Week

Met up with Joyce at 9am because she needed to go to her faculty welcome at 10am.

Got student ID, for once I did not look like a total spazz. Signed up to Arc. Uni is getting so real :O

Then Joyce left to go to her faculty welcome, I went to IT support to ask about Microsoft Office + how to access zPass email because I'm a noob lol. If y'all didn't know, Microsoft Office is free lmao I'm so noob. 

Anyway I met up with LI-ANUS and we just sat at the brick wall in the quad because it was too hot to deal with the sun. We literally sat for an hour??? Bumped into Brendan from Peak and he was telling me how all the tutors in training from our grade were going interstate so they didn't really have anyone left except for like 2 people. 

Brendan was like a little child and kept getting lost. Lianne and I would be a stall then we'd turn around and he would be gone and nek minnit we'd run into him again and he was like I was right next to you!! 

Anyway I joined all these random societies and clubs: Rubik Society, FoodSoc, BakeSoc, CookSoc, VSA@UNSW, EngSoc, Mechatronics Society, Engineers Without Borders, Engineers Australia, some charity that I forgot the name of, Game of Thrones Society, Badminton, Ultimate Frisbee (OMG!!), some finance thing for the freebies...


Got too many freebies today omg.

Saw Anna, Melody and Jasmine today. I told them I joined the Rubik's society and they were like omg bad decision LOL. 

They said it was in this huge room, and in the middle of the of the room was this one table with a small group of people around it all solving Rubik's cubes.
A WHOPPING 272 MEMBERS!! Only ONE person on my friends list is part of the society omg.

After uni I went to Amy's house to tutor Kevin and her mother would not let me go home by myself so I stayed for dinner then she drove me home lol. 

ALSO my face is so damn sunburnt. There's a strip of my face that is very very very red.

Watching room again oops


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