Monday 5 September 2016

341 lines of code later

Yesterday's Rants


i have to mark tutoring work now... working

theres this stem and leaf plot showing the height of a group of boys and girls. The range is quite large like some are 121 some are 173.

the q was: which year level do you think these boys and girls are in? Justify your answer.

This kid wrote: year 7 , because they're height is in all sorts of place because of puberty.

Today's Bants

Kidding I have no bants

News of the day: Moon festival was on and I could not go because you guessed it... T-T-T-TUTORING! Was tutoring from 9:30 - 4:30 today and knew I had to get home to do comp assignment.

but OMG LULU MET LILYMAYMAC LMAO I WAS SO EXCITED FOR HER BEFORE but now it my excitement has kinda died down. srsly lulu you are so brave if I saw her I wouldn't do anything I would just ogle and be like omg its her!!!
e.g. what happened at me oi last time. but tbh i had no idea who she was back then.

some kpop band was there, knafeh was there and yah idk i just want food.

Also had father's day dinner at La Grilla last night. I love La Grilla the food is always so good. its pretty underrated. we ordered way too much. wow look at this pic have u ever seen me smile a faker smile?
I am reaching levels of peak obesity literally my stomach is just too large.

I'm so bloody tired. Someone help me.

Handed in comp assignment 4 mins before the due time bcus i was trying to fix as many errors as i could. Everything mostly worked out in the end though cus I passed most of the tests but not all. If i had more time i could've improved it but thats what i get for leaving everything to the last min aye. Total time i worked on this assignment was at least 15 hours and its only worth 10%. TY to phuc who helped me out a lot.

beef jerky

my final assignment line count was 580


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