Thursday 1 September 2016


Sorry I have neglected my blog this has been a hectic week and its about to get even more hectic.

But all the more reason to blog right?

I will do a short recap because I need to go tutoring soon rip.


  • Did my BIOM midsem. It was an online quiz so errybody was just cheating. Fucking got 7/10 because I didn't study one of the lectures because I was too ceebs and there were like 3 questions to do with that one. Also got one of the calculation ones wrong because had no clue.
  • Whitehouse with day drinking society and CONNIE YAO hahaha it was fun errybody got burgers and schnitzel because we are so adventurous. 
  • Studied a bit at lib? I don't remember what else happened that day.
  • Went to my comp1917 lab and left feeling like shit because made 0 progress on my comp assignment (DUE THIS SUNDAY RIP)


  • 9am MMAN test I think I smashed it. IT was way easier than the first one and you literally could just walk in it only knowing 4u and still do well. The questions were resisted motion, projectile motion type stuff. 
  • Went to calc tute and got calc test back lmao I got the q that I thought I was going to get wrong right. (wow dat sentence structure is not confusing at all). 
  • Lunch with Lianus, Joyce and Lu Lu at library lawn. I bought some chicken tikka masala. Lianne and Joyce were convinced the ibises were going to eat them.
  • Went to lib to study and told phuc to come work on comp/mman with me because I am useless.
  • Skipped BIOM tute because they were talking about ethics and ceebs
  • Left uni at 3 to go to Amy's house
  • waited for FD at central
  • saw that poop and took train to hurstville with her
  • talked about what a great human being victor is 
  • WATCHED THE BACHELOR it was a slightly more entertaining episode last night
  • everyone is saying nikki is defs the winner but I literally don't see him with ANY OF THE GIRLS all of the conversations are so shallow and bleurgh just talking about how you can see a future with the other person SO BORING
  • also wtf is with olena that part where she is covered in mud then pours water on her face and suddenly she is a goddess again??????????
  • meanwhile every other human is like:
  • tried to do more of my comp assignment and failed
  • omg we called Eugene cus she was drunk and it was so funny


  • at home now working on tutoring work for tonight. Have to study for algebra test too.
  • Made my BIOM group on monday. With Phuc, Niina, Rachel and Minh Anh :) hopefully we can all share the workload equally this time lmao. I have eaten so much shit today omg my stomach is going crazy.

    I am so late but this is an amazing song

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