Tuesday 20 September 2016

raising dese eyebrows

I greet people I don't know well really weirdly. I say "yo"?? even at tutoring HAHAHA. When I was younger I used to greet people with eyebrow raises as well like how u doing.

so bored havent gotten drunk in so long

omg dont want to spoil it for anyone but i watched suits mid season finale yesterday and I can't believe ________ is actually leaving suits wtfffffffff

Train To Busan

ITS A YES FROM ME. Everyone watch it it's so good :O It's such a thrilling zombie movie.

The Last Few Days...

So I haven't blogged in a while... not because I've been particularly busy just ceebs. The most momentous thing that happened was probably finishing up with the year 9 classes. Of course I have conflicting feelings again but this time they are mostly sad. It's becaus the year 9 classes were the least stressful ones. I only had to do max 3 hours prep for them compared to like the 5 I do for the year 5s sometimes. Also the higher class was really intelligent so I didn't always feel so shit that they weren't getting it. Also I'm starting with the year 8s soon next term which I know will be so much fucking work. 

For the lower class, I didn't do anything fun because I still had so much content to cover before the test next week. But for the higher class I spent half the lesson on revision then the other half on a quiz that I had prepared. It basically had one challenge question from each topic I had ever taught them, and also a few random trivia ones. They were in teams of two/three and the questions were actually pretty fucking hard HAHAHAHAHA

The first one was "what is my name" and they all started laughing. Idk it was just so fun because some of them were so clueless. I felt like pulling a Jack Huang... putting up on the projector
Serena Luong
99.85 ATAR
4th in the state for Engineering

They are all moving on to Jimmy now hehehehe I hope I have prepared them well but at the same time I'm looking forward to the lazy ones being screamed at/kicked out by Jimmy because they really need someone to push them. 

The Sunday morning before the year 5s was a nightmare. I slept at 12 and woke up at 5 to finish marking their work then had to go teach the year 7s at 9:30 rip. Had a break then started teaching the year 5s at 1. Finished up at 4:30, went home and skipped my cousin's bbq because I was so dead. I think I've improved as a teacher since term 1.

Dead By Daylight

ANUS AMY made me watch these gameplay videos of Dead By Daylight on youtube which was the game they were all playing. I finally bought and downloaded it after tutoring on Sunday and omg it is so fucking fun everyone play with me.

You can be the killer or one of the survivors. If you're a survivor, you have to work with the other survivors to fix all the generators on the map to open the door to escape. If you're the killer you have to kill all the survivors before they escape. Its so bloody terrifying as one of the survivors because you dont have to weapons to defend yourself, you can only run away from the killer. Also if the killer is nearby this music starts to play and you can hear a heartbeat and ugh its just too much.


Went over to ANUS AMY's to tutor Kevin yesterday. He had his prelims today for Chem and I just helped him study. I think we were studying for about 5 hrs no joke. It was so tiring but glad he learnt something.

Blogging on the train rn because i have a headache and I dont think i will be bothered later. 

Uhhh skipped BIOM lecture today and went Whitehouse for some wedges. Feng and Joyce really wanna go to a fob party idk why.


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