Thursday 15 September 2016

It's a no from me


Went to MMAN tute and math tute and actually paid attention. Learnt something for once.

Lunch at whitehouse again. I think I should leave that out of my blog because uh happens everyday.

Went out at night for Stephen's birthday!! We did an escape room at Paniq room at the rocks and it was pretty fun. We were locked up in these two different cells and we had to WORK TOGETHER get out somehow. Apparently it wasnt as fun as other escape rooms Amy and Eugene have done tho. I felt kinda useless I think I have really bad problem solving skills. They had to give us so many clues because we were too dumb.

Then we went to Brighton to eat at Hogsbreath cafe! It was pretty expensive but really yummy. The steak has such an amazing texture BUT they didn't give enough sauce. We also ordered some stuffed potato skins which were very yummy. 
Birthday girl
Went back to tutor Kevin and I basically went over for no reason because just as I started tutoring him he realised how screwed he was for English which was the next day so I was like lol lets just do chem on Monday. 

Watched Dead By Daylight gameplay videos and it looks really fun.

This morning

um I got 8.1/10 for my comp assignment. Kinda of happy ish?!??! idek not in hd range but i guess its only 10%.

*me catching up on last night's ep at uni*

yenno what maybe he will pick alex

these bali dates are boring af


Went to Hursy to dinner with Amy, Feng and FD because 
We ate at chicken maru and it was velly yummy :)

Then had meet fresh and had to leave the desserts half eaten because I had to run to catch my train. IT CAME EARLY 1 MIN EARLY SO THANK BUDDHA I RAN. 

Shitstorm Bachelor Finale


I wasn't really going for anyone until he dumped Nikki after that I was so sad so I guess I was going for Nikki? 

The reaction this year is so diff to last year HAHAHA when Snezana won everyone was like congratulations!!! this year its like NIKKI WAS ROBBED, Richie go kys etc. Even Guy Sebastian knows whats up

Oh well they seem happy good on them I guess (but srs Nikki was the one). Hope it lasts lol because I really don't see it lasting at all. 

Omfg some people are being so malicious to Alex. Not a fan but come on you don't need to post hate underneath their vid :(

Need to start working on MMAN assignment which is due in under 24 hours goodbye.


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