Sunday 23 July 2017


I have a black eye and Delphine from Orphan Black looks like a pea so........
Haven't blogged in a really long time because I've actually been very busy shock horror. Starting this post on the train back from Amy's house (Friday night). I just flaked on a huge VSA bonding night with USYD and Cumbo because many reasons and now I'm kinda regretting my decision.

  • Its like 8 pm and I need to mark as well tonight
  • I'm too anxious to socialise with people I don't know
  • Everyone seems to be having fun without me so ceebs (I know I need to be validated which is why I hate myself)
  • don't want to walk in late because people will stare at my dumb face but also they're drunk so like it wouldn't even be that bad
  • They're gonna go sanct after dinner and I was just there yesterday drinking them fucking long islands
  • feeling the fomo because seeing peoples snapchats
  • There are some people there that I actually want to hang out with
  • I have a black eye and am wearing the VSA hoodie but who wears the hoodie to a dinner?? Basically I look like shit and smell
  • don't want to feel the inevitable rejection when I see people not wanting to interact with me
me to me


Helped out at VSA stall for O-day. "Helped out" more like stood because too awkward to go out and promote. Oh my god almost shat myself because Viv and I coincidentally needed to leave at the same time so my mind was dying thinking about all that awkward silence on the bus. I never have anything to talk about?? But tis ok she was just ranting about her boy problems and I just listened and nodded and laughed so it wasn't that bad. No one knows anything about me because there is nothing to know.

Anyway, met up with Amy and Andrew at Hurstville, bought some presents for Eugene's very belated birthday. We were looking for psychology books for her but then I suggested we should by her some steamy romance novels instead.
We met up with Eugene and Stephen and walked to badminton. Everyone was a little dead but it was still fun. Went back to Amy's house then tutored Kevin. 

Mei and Stephen came over to help us make a minion cake for Eugene's birthday. after 2 hours they had just made the fondant and the cakes were still baking. Mei and Stephen went home then Amy and I kept working on it until 4am. DEAD. It looks like its hitchhiking?? IT WAS SO UGLY HAHAHAHAHAH


Woke up tired as shit next morning for tree tops adventure park. We surprised Eugene at Beverly Hills station when we picked her up by bringing along Mei and making a huge sign + singing happy birthday. She was so confused. 
Tree tops was soooo fun. A lot better than when I did it with VSA because there weren't a lot of people here so we didn't have to wait between challenges. Mei was soooo scared at the beginning and we were encouraging her but also laughing at her at the same time but she got over her fears so quickly. We finished all the courses !! even black!! tbh black wasn't that hard except for like the 2nd obstacle which took us all over 5 mins (except for Stephen who is a monkey and took like a minute). Couldn't take any photos tho :( We went for a maccas run between two of the courses because too hungry LOL but fucken bonnyrigg maccas so dodgy didn't give us the hamburger we ordered and also gave us the wrong drinks.

I was trying to be funny so I jumped to unhook my pulley from the flying fox but it rebounded and whacked me in the nose/eye area and I clutched at my face for a solid 2 minutes before I got an ice-pack. My nose bridge was so swollen I could see it in my peripheral vision. yes delicious
Rushed back to Amys to cut the cake. Why is Eugene covering her eye? think about it
her favourite pastime: killing minions
Then train to city for our escape room. Turned out Eugene had already done it SAD DAYS. We arrived 45 mins late but our time wasn't cut short?? We finished it in 56 mins with only 2 clues but tbh Eugene helped us out a lot HAHAHA. We did the dr strangelove one at Enigma near Town Hall. Was quite good would recommend. this is such a disgusting photo holy shit 
Then ate dinner at O Bal Tan. always go there for korean??
Then hit up sanctuary and got so lit and played bullshit which was never-ending. Didn't even feel sick as well which is always a plus. We played pool drunk and tbh I was as bad as I am when I'm sober. We started falling around all over the place so we left to hit up ze clubs.
We stopped at Star Bar, got a bit more drunk then went to Scary Canary which was so dead cus Thursday night.
what a fucking jam

It was a gay bar so like there were so many gay men everywhere and Amy and I got pulled up onto the stage by this flamboyant guy and we were a grinding sandwich and it was so gross and I didn't touch him but lmao we wanted to get the fuck outta there. BUT OVERALL IT WAS SOOO FUN no joke perhaps the most fun i've had at a club?? they played a bit of modern music too

Left the club screaming: I DON'T THINK YOU'RE READY FOR THIS JELLY then took an Uber home. Was quite lit in the uber and took some carol-esque photos of eugene. She kept leaning on the uber driver HAHAHA
 literally find a better paralleL fucking fight me

Crammed 3 people onto a bed and had an ok sleep. I was so hot at night but both of them either side of me were cold so every time I tried to kick the blanket away they got annoyed. oops.


Didn't do much: made eggs + toast for breakfast and wrote my reports for the year 9s. I didn't even get to hand them out today because the English teacher hadn't finished hers UGH. at least they're done tho. 

Went home after I finished them and had the crisis I wrote about at the top of this post. I was sitting at redfern station like SO FUCKING TORN you wouldn't even believe I kept messaging Amy like I'm going to go nah I'm not IM GOING nah ceebs

Watched Inception whilst marking homework. SO PISSED AT MY YEAR 9S ugh they don't do things I tell them to but yenno just gotta stick it out for one more month AND THEN NO MORE TUTORING!!!!!!!!!! finally >:( FUCK MY LIFE i have to start financial maths with them next week I would rather do any other topic honestly. except maybe statistics. then probs finish off with some factorisation and POOF done and dusted. 

I volunteered to be a chauffeur for my drunk VSA friends because Phuc + Amy Luu's dad always drive me home. Went out to pick up Phuc at like 11:30 then went back out again at 1:30 to get Amy and Vivian. Phuc was so tragic last night


Woke up super early before tutoring to make sure I had enough time to cover my bruised eye. No point though because I have epiphora so my eye waters excessively and I always have to wipe away my tears so basically the concealer I put around it ended up rubbing off before I even got to my class?? whatever no one said anything about it though so all G. I say all G too much these days. 

FD and I were supposed to hang today but we both knew it wasn't going to happen. I also flaked on Denga and Phuc - we were supposed to go to Flemington food markets tonight but ceebs. Denga still went with a friend.

Watched some Orphan Black!!! the early episodes in each the season are always considerably worse than the latter ones. why?

wow just spent a solid hour trying to colour a gif and it still looks like shit i can't do this its like choosing an instagram filter the longer you do it the more confused u get. I've had a few people ask me irl what I even gif and I'm just like uh movies ???????????????????????????????? Well it ain't a lie.
OMFG finally finished the set now just sitting waiting. wonder what the reception is gna be like cus i think its an ok set
Ok it's been 5 minutes and .... 2 people have liked it.

Baby Driver (2017)

get ready for some UNPOPULAR OPINIONS
Dir. Edgar Wright
I think this is just one of those movies where I realised there was a lull in the pace in the middle of the movie and because of that I just kept thinking it was imperfect and therefore didn't have a good time after that. Like what the fuck brain. 

Quick thoughts: visually awesome, Edgar Wright's style is quite distinct. Action was so easy to follow, epic opening scene. COLOURS!! COLOURS EVERYWHERE!! SO VIBRANT!! 

I honestly didn't care for the characters that much. Ansel and Lily were cute but besides that I was like kinda eh...... Kevin Spacey played himself again. Lol my thoughts aren't even coherent cus I watched it so long ago.

Or maybe I did like it and I just don't remember. I need to rewatch this ugh. OH AND I DIDN'T LIKE THE WEIRD PLOT STRUCTURE LIKE THE COMPLICATION WAS SO WEIRD IDK anyone who's seen it don't you agree it had a very unconventional plot structure I was just waiting for some big complication and for me to care but I didn't that much.

It's a bit too slick

WOW this is a terrible review I'm sorry just go watch it support them they're so cute have a good time

maybe i should take a break from movies. Was rewatching inception and fuck I was cringing at all the convenient explanations for possible plot holes it was just a bit much.

happy I have finally blogged goodnight

unrelated but this looks good


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