Wednesday 5 July 2017

mi leg fucking hurts

Played badminton with Eugene, Amy and Stephen today. I hadn't played in so long so now my arm and wrist kinda hurts. It was fun smashing onto them and when Stephen and I were just vsing each other he slid and rolled on the floor so much HAHAHAH. I miss it so much ughghughughughguh its one of the few exercising activities I would actually agree to to do cus I'm so competitive and it makes me excited and angry.

Amy's rackets were really old so the handles were literally turning to powder as they played. finally they were all as black as me.
Amy and I made these lego people for Stephen as a present and lmfao I am the ultimate third wheel please tell me someone else who third wheels as well as I do.
oh noes I will save u from the Daleks
Got 95 for MATH2018 what a snake I am but tbh I properly studied for it so...

do you think if I want to save the world that I'll need to be good at maths? Because its literally the only thing I'm good at in this world. Like no, you couldn't have given me a nice face or a personality...instead. i. get. to. be. good. at. maths.
Was bored at JB Hi-Fi the other day so I drew this on a surface. Van Ghost.
Sunsets recently have been amazing.

the ceebs to blog about Queensland is growing stronger as more days pass.

Wonder Woman (2017) ... again

I rewatched Wonder Woman with the family because it leaked and when it finished my dad said, "Well, if she's that amazing why doesn't she just stop ISIS?"
I love (?) this movie


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