Saturday 8 July 2017


On the outside, always looking in 
Will I ever be more than I've always been? 
'Cause I'm tap, tap, tapping on the glass 
I'm waving through a window 
I try to speak, but nobody can hear 
So I wait around for an answer to appear 
While I'm watch, watch, watching people pass 
I'm waving through a window, oh 
Can anybody see, is anybody waving back at me? 

^ me in the car listening to the Dear Evan Hansen soundtrack omw back from driving my sister to her friend's house in Burwood.
Decided to check out the soundtrack because I watched random Pitch Perfect scenes again with Ben Platt in them and was curious to hear his actual singing voice. It's such a catchy soundtrack. Each song is so good like I feel like I really understand the musical without ever having watched it? I assume that's what the musical numbers are supposed to do but ye is good. Favs are "Waving Through A Window" and "For Forever".
Remember when I used to have really dark ~musings~ about my loneliness on this blog (circa Black Party 2016)? Ahhh those were the days. I don't really feel that loneliness anymore or at least I try not to think about it. I've accepted the fact that I can't really many meaningful connections with anyone outside my small circle of friends. 

Dreading VSA State camp AS FUCK because I'm close to a total of 0 people so I'll make sure to bring lots of portable battery packs and turn to the internet people when real life gets too overwhelming. Catch me making GIF-sets locked in my room when everyone else is getting lit, talking about things that normal people talk about and forming relationships with strangers. yeah. the. recluse!

some LG/LB: Hi I'm Gia Hoi!



this legend

The Fits (2015)

Dir. Anna Rose Holmer
Basically this movie is about a tom-boyish boxing girl who struggles to fit into a girl's dance group. Also.... the group starts suffering from an epidemic of violent, seizure-like fits. YES IT SOUNDS WEIRD.

COOOOOOOOOOL MOVIE RAD AF!!! Not even kidding this was so interesting and had me hooked from the first frame. So many interesting shots in this... the cinematography is A++++++ like wow the hallway floating shot at the end fuck mi ded. I WANT TO KNOW HOW THEY DID THAT.

Colouring was very muted and the only colour that really popped out was purple. Made the whole film have a very eerie feel... no analysis of this movie on Youtube (understandable because it only made $168 k like no one saw it) though which is annoying because it was so interesting and ambiguous. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN??

Well, if you're bored and want a chill indie film that is literally JUST over an hour long, do it. then tell me about it.

Spider-man (2002)

Dir. Sam Raimi
Decided to revisit this because most people say the original Sam Raimi Spider-man and Spider-man 2 are still the best Spider-man movies made and I can't even remember the last time I saw this.

This movie actually feels ancient. Like it came out 15 years ago but it feels a lot older. Is this a classic? Probs. Even my mum remembers what happens in this movie and she usually can't remember what movies she's seen. LIKE UGH so many moments I was
from the nostalgia

The spider-man kiss, the blood dripping from Peter's arm as he's stuck upside down on the ceiling, him figuring out how to use his web-shooters for the first time
whoever made this gif  tagged it "fingering a girl for the first time" and I can't stop laughing

Many many many flaws. It was cheesy as shit.

I cared for the characters a lot more and it felt like there were really high stakes. I used to dislike Kirsten Dunst so much but I really don't mind her anymore?? Same with Tobey Mcguire lol he's such a cool Peter Parker.

Remember when the second movie came out and I really wanted Spider-man web shooters for Christmas and my parents went and got me.... a motherfucking toy safe.

What do Spider-man, Dear Evan Hansen and The Fits all have in common? They are all about


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