House of Spera Pop Up
So last week sometime, Selina messaged VSPray and was like HALSEY'S HAVING A FREE CONCERT and I remember we bonded on the bus over her music so I was like why not its free??? So I RSVP'ed on this weird website and a few days later I got a confirmation email. I don't really mind Halsey - I really liked her Badlands album but as a person and a singer she's just ok. So I was so so so hesitant when Selina who actually really likes her messaged me last night and was like "let's get there at 9am!!" WHEN THE CONCERT STARTED AT 2PM.I had about 4 hours of sleep last night, then woke up at the ungodly hour of 7 am to make my train. I would never ever ever wake up that early even for uni.
We watched Zootopia, played thirteen on steroids, went to Maccas twice and "studied". I didn't bring jackshit to study tho so I just read random things on my laptop. Security guards gave us raffle tickets as new line markers so we got an extra one for Olivia, Selina's sister. Poor girl is starting trials tomorrow and she still came HAHAH.
Anyways 2pm came surprisingly fast lol and we heard from Amy/other people in the line that it was a meet n greet, not a concert. FUCKING BAITEDDDDDDDD, I even listened to her album for this shit?? Like what in the world was I meant to say to her
They let in 50 at a time so we were in the 2nd batch. They raised the warehouse doors and there was no Halsey in sight so I was like WOW this really is just a pop up store to bait us to buy merch. There was a woman at the v beginning who was just taking photos for everyone and she was so good she knew how to spam with the iPhone so I have 10+ photos of the same thing lmaooo
how do you accidentally look like a fucking demon
There was this huge wall that you could write messages on and lmaoooo I had no idea what to write so see if you can spot the shit
There was a huge poster of a tarot card labelled "Bad at Love" and again, me not being a Halsey fan, had seen the exact poster posted on her twitter minutes ago and had no idea what it meant. I learnt later on that she posts tarot carts to announce new singles. When I listened to the album last night, Bad at Love was so good I thought it was already a single lmfao.
Nek minnit everyone starts to sit down in front of this sofa and like its chaotic then Halsey appears flanked by a few seccies and wow she's really pretty irl + her skin is perfect + she's tiny + she dresses like Justin Bieber but cuter and I'm feeling less shit about being sleep deprived for this. These aren't my photos btw
also I just realised she performed for 2 groups at a time cus it looks like there's about 100 people here
She gives a little talk about how Bad at Love is going to be released first in Australia then starts singing and there was no mic and she was so quiet but it was soooooo nice. I have a new appreciation for her.
Then she sang Now or Never which was also very good acoustic. Then poof she vanished. Feels bad for her actual fans cus she barely interacted with them and didn't stay to chat but yo there were like another 300 or so people to get through so I don't blame her. When we left, we got a free album CD. Selina + her sister bought $250 worth of merch.
If I was religious now would be the time to pray to god to make me rich enough one day to spend that much without feeling like I just gave away a kidney.
Went back to Town Hall and Selz and I were both bored so I coerced her into watching an advanced screening of Atomic Blonde. I was so excited to see this cus of the trailer and I wasn't disappointed --> just confused. Lmao what a thick plot.
Atomic Blonde (2017)
Dir. David Leitch
The plot makes no fucking sense and I was so confused but honestly Charlize Theron and the FUCKING BAT SHIT CRAZY ACTION SCENES made the movie. HMMMMMMMMMMM THE CAMERA WORK AND COLOURING IN THIS IS FUCKING OFF THE RAILS.
There was this one scene where Lorraine and the blond bad guy were just going at it and they were both so tired but they just kept fighting and fighting and Selz and I just looked at each other like
ummmmmmmm this movie is insane
tbh 1st half was kinda boring as shittttttt and then by the 2nd half I think the movie found what it was supposed to be and then the conclusion just fucked everything up. idk go see it for the fight scenes alone.
Dunkirk (2017)
Dir. Christopher Nolan
Uhhh I don't feel like talking about this movie cus idk I liked it but also ceebs like you're gonna watch it if you're a fan of Christopher Nolan. Besides that the trailer doesn't make you want to see it.
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