Sunday 30 July 2017

yes healing is needed

and..... we're back at uni.
why did I write so coherently in this post can someone tell me why and how can I get that version of me back

^so good holy shitttt her whole album is fucking great


Went to my MATH2089 tute - stats and matlab I want to neck myself its so boring. My tutor was so funny though. He was this scary looking old man who spoke in this very authoritative voice. A couple of students were laughing and he was like "Why are you laughing? you're supposed to be doing statistics....Sadtistics."

Went to BIOM with Nina and Jason. It was just a one hour introductory lecture and I have a feeling I'm going to stop going to them lecturer reminds of Professor Umbridge in the way she talks but she's not mean.
she gets a bit shrill when people start talking over her because she's so quiet


Had VSA Dumpling event. Turn out was so shit even though it was a good food item cus first week of uni and everyone ceebs going to their lectures. It was just Khang, Kevin, Daren, Alan and I for the entire day lmaooooooo. Was chill though cus less people = me being more comfortable. Kevin just finished Chuck HAHAHAH I can 100% relate to the heartache one experiences after watching that fucking show. Met someone from Chicago and she was a PR at her uni back there?? so shook.
fuck now I'm looking up Chuck blogs ughhhhhh I just um luh you both (side note how the fuck do people make such nice gifs) and now I want to rewatch Chuck
And that was literally all the uni I attended this week LOL. Met up with FD at UTS and we walked around for a bit then ate dodgy dumplings with Connie. FD planned our Korea + Japan trip whilst I rolled around.
had such an awkward skype call with WIE just then lol should I go for exec I still don't know. I don't want to do anything UGH I'm so lazy


Went to Bankstown and chilled with Amy + her fam after her physio appointment. She's an old lady with back problems now. Went to eat lunch and saw Joanne (the tragic one from VSA) with her pappa. 

Took Oscar to the dog park.
Tutored Kevin. Ate instant noodles and watched Orphan Black. OMG WE ALSO WATCHED THE BACHELOR HOLY SHIT
There are an unusual number of bitches this season. When one of the girls acts like a normal person I think they're so nice but only because human decency has been thrown out the window this season. 


Watched Dunkirk in Vmax!!! Eugene, Amy, Stephen and I all couldn't really reach a consensus as what we thought about the movie. I was so shook after it ended and I really liked it but also I see why people wouldn't like it and why it's not gonna be one of my favs. 

Ate some gozleme afterwards then played badminton. Badminton is so fun hehe

Went back and Amy and I worked on Kevin's tutoring homework together cus his tutor's weird and forces them to hand in homework even during trials?? Went to pick up Stephen then "surprised" Kevin with a birthday pie. I MADE THE NUMBERS AND THE K. pie was a little burnt because no one was watching the oven.
After dinner we made Japanese Cheesecake that kinda tasted like nothing so we attempted to make a strawberry sauce but put too much lemon juice so that fucked up too. Its ok tho Kevin and his parents appreciated it.
Amy's parents drove me home then I prepped some Financial Maths classwork... first time I've actually prepped for tutoring in a while LOL.

Shooketh cus Chris reviewed A Ghost Story but ofc his mainstream audience is just bugging him to watch The Emoji Movie in the comments.


Oh my god Chris uploaded his Emoji Movie review and its hilarious. 

Tutored my children and taught them some simple + compound interest.

Went home and did nothing. I'm almost caught up with Orphan Black now!!! Took a 5 hour nap and now I'm very awake but I have to sleep soon for Halsey tomorrow.

Me before posting a gifset: hmm this is ok
Me after posting a gifset: fuck this is the ugliest thing i've ever seen what was I thinking


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