Friday 7 July 2017

we don't make mistakes, just happy little accidents


Amy and I painted a some winter scenery following a Bob Ross tutorial!!! They turned out a lot better than I expected lmfao even though we had all the wrong paints and brushes. Mine is the one that looks a lot worse. The fucking trees were a nightmare I was not patient enough to make them nice.
this was his. ALMOST THE SAME!!! 
We also made some churros. They're so darn easy to make!! Theres like 5 ingredients in total and you should already have them all. Literally combine the batter in one pot and its not sticky at all so there's very little mess, then pipe churro shapes into oil. The ones in the photo just look really burnt because the cinnamon stuck to the oil on the churros but they were so yummy.
Passed 1k followers on Tumblr. But also like where the fuck are my 1000 followers when my post get 33 notes. Seven+ months onwards and I still haven't changed my theme from the ugly ass white default one.


Took Oscar to the doggo park and then met up with Stephen at Hurstville to watch Spiderman Homecoming.

Was so excited when I saw the notif for WIE roadtrip but then realised its the exact same days as VSA camp which is so disappointing :( I have to buy the alcohol for state camp for UNSW committee and the IVP was like... get $300 worth of alcohol, preferably hard. Inside I'm like .... how the fuck ... am I going to carry like 6 bottles of vodka + many bottles of soju into my house without my parents asking me what the fuck is going on. like me trying to sneak back into the house but everything going clink clink

Then played tennis with FD, Amy and Stephen and I hate tennis cus I'm so bad at it. It requires so much more strength and running than badminton nty. It was fun though... a very good work out. Badminton is so dainty like plop whereas tennis is like BOOOOOP. 

Stayed at Amys to make some homemade pasta. It turned out a bit strange because I somehow made the meatballs too soft, the pasta was too thin and everything was just not as nice as it couldve been. No pic because it looked like slop.

Drove Stephen home and we were supposed to play dead by daylight but we all ceebs and went to sleep. It was too early for me so I surfed the interwebs... and made gifs. 


Woke up, Amy made Kimchi fried rice for brek what a star. Then went home.. where I proceeded to do absolutely nothing.


Spider-Man: Homecoming

Dir. Jon Watts
Wow I am so conflicted I can't make up my mind about this movie. On one hand it was pretty entertaining and I THINK the storytelling was done very very well.

Tom Holland was v likeable as Peter Parker so... 

All superhero movies seem the same to me now (except Wonder Woman lmfao) because not only are the character arcs all the same, they look very visually stale to me. Like idk how to describe it but it feels like Marvel has worked out the best way to film and structure superhero movies that they all somehow are all blending together?? Not only that but the characters are getting a little old ... who actually asked for another Spiderman movie? If Amy and Stephen hadn't expressed such urgency to see it, I would've waited till it leaked. (I'm anticipating Baby Driver and The Beguiled so much more ugh give it to me).

imo it relies too heavily on the Marvel cinematic universe to make in-jokes. seemed a little cheap. I'm sure all the Marvel fangirls/boys are really nutting over the cross-references but I don't really care loool. 

ok so I just searched spiderman on tumblr can someone please kill me like did we see the same movie

IM KIDDING IT WAS GOOD IT WAS FINE just not v special to me.

I didn't like the best friend although I'm certain I'm in the minority here. He was so dumb and annoying and always like "omg why can't we be cool"

Also I'm over believing the trope that people are automatically unpopular because they are nerdy. I also find it very hard to believe that people are nasty enough to chant insults at someone whilst that person is in the room (at the party wtf). I'M BEING SO NITPICKY LMFAO JUST LITTLE THINGS THAT IRRITATED ME.

The OP suit that he had at the beginning also made me think... if you gave that suit to anyone they would have the same powers as Spiderman so what's so great about Spiderman? SAME WITH IRON MAN IF YOU THINK ABOUT IT LMFAO he's just great at inventing things but he's already invented everything so what gives him the right to be an Avenger vs any ordinary person? WOW I'M REALLY OVERTHINKING THIS ITS JUST A SUPERHERO MOVIE.

Was anyone else thinking Birdman when Michael Keaton was in his Vulture gear or dat jus me? I liked his character though and how he actually had a believable backstory.

All that being said.. I think they set it up really well for a sequel cus I'm interested in where Peter Parker + the Michelle character could go.


Random "A Ghost Story" Stuff that no-one asked for

I love this article.

Am legit so happy for David Lowery + the entire A Ghost Story team because their movie is getting amazing reviews. It opens in NY/LA today!!! so excited heeeeeeee hopefully general audiences like it. THE SOUNDTRACK IS OUT YESSSS


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