Monday 3 July 2017

translation is sacred

Back from Queensland! Came back last night. Why is it so fucking cold in Sydney.

I'll probs be putting up a Queensland post soon so stay tuned for some boring af recounts of the various things we got up to in the past 5 days. Yeah the FD!!!
Anyway, took a train home today from Bankstown then went to have an uncomfortable lunch with my mum's side of the family at Eastwood to celebrate my grandma's birthday. Also dropped by tutoring to collect my students hw books. forced my sister to go in with me and say hi to her former boss.

The older I get, the more I realise that that side of the family is SO UGHHHHHHHH. Everyone hates everyone else. They're all so fake and like my parents are constantly reminding us to be polite in front of them? Like I was just on my phone and from the other side of the huge ass table my auntie asks, "oh you just came back from Queensland?" and I said, "yeah" and then I go back on my phone cus.... I answered the question?? and then my dad - being all fake and shit and trying not to "lose face" says in front of everyone, "get off your phone she's trying to talk to you." and i just give him this look like is u srs. The other two cousins who are kinda our age were literally watching videos on their phones with earphones plugged in the whole time. what the actual fuck. at least the food was good.

Went to Macquarie Shopping afterwards. My sis bought a Microsoft Surface cus her old laptop broke. I bought another hoodie and (finally) some new jeans. Then went to my Uncle's house to cut the cake and I fell asleep in the living room for a bit. Maybe I'm diabetic. There are random periods of the day where I just have very very low energy.

Went home and caught up a week of Youtube. Highlights include:
  • this trailer for What Happened to Monday starring Noomi Rapace. Basically the Earth is over-populated so they enforce a one-child policy but this dude ends up having septuplets (seven identical babies!!) so he names them each one day of the week and they're only allowed outside on the day that they're named after. 

  • this featurette about the music in Game of Thrones with a focus on The Light of Seven piece from S06E10 which is the fucking most amazing thing I've ever had the privilege of listening to

  • this movie review of A Ghost Story by these two aussie guys who articulate extremely well what they loved about it (I like how genuine they are)


Okja (2017)

Dir. Bong Joon Ho
Ok I know this movie isn't preaching to us to become vegetarians and instead is criticising mass production, capitalism and animal cruelty ................ but seriously if you don't want to become a vegetarian after this idk what movie you were watching

FUCK. ME. UP. I was sniffling so much during the last third of the movie FUCK ME. 

This was quite good. So so so entertaining and extremely confronting at times. I'm very surprised it's only rated M though because shit got really fucked. 

I thought the main Korean girl in this was so good. Paul Dano was super charismatic (I think he has a really funny face but I like it) and Tilda Swinton was good. Ultimately most of the side characters were caricatures though so idk its a bit hard to judge the acting. I defs think Jake Gyllenhaal went very very overboard. But dw he's coming for his Oscar in 2018 with Stronger. Steven Yeun was a little... unfocused? or his character was. I'm not sure. 
There is nothing subtle about this movie. It's going to be one of those films they study in HS for because the themes are so fucking obvious. 

this guy was so funny omfg reminded me of sam dong
this movie was so pure. go watch it. its on netflix but easily found on the interwebs.

someone pointed this out on twitter (x). turns out it was deliberate.


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