Monday 17 July 2017

vsa state camp + federer's 8th wimbledon

So I just came back today from camp  just in time for the Wimbledon final which Roger just won (a subdued WOOHOO!! v happy for him).

VSA State Camp

So VSA has this annual state camp where all the committees from every uni in Syd+Melbourne drink continuously for 3 days. It wasn't that bad cus I didn't chunder and do anything I regretted and... it was actually pretty fun. Oh and there was NO FUCKING RECEPTION. I couldn't even scroll my phone goddamnit. I took like 2 photos so most of these aren't mine. 


Went to the Cabramatta PCYC carpark to get on the coaches to the camp. Was feeling so awkies cus I always feel awkies. Loaded up the alcohol (like 30ish bottles of soju, 2 voddys, malibu and soho between 18 of us rip livers plus Andy that shit brought fireball as well why). When I got on the bus I felt like I was in a teen movie where the nerdy loner is looking around for a spare seat but they're all full or no one wants them to sit next to them. But THANK GOD for Selina who had a spare seat and shouted SEZ. Honestly this girl is a gift from buddha she's so chill and nice EVEN TO ME who has the charisma of a brick. 

Bus to the location took about 2 hours. It was so remote that the bus had to drive onto this ferry that shipped us across the lake whilst we were still in the bus... if that makes sense. lmao im the pink one
When we got there we just chilled in the hall, played ice breaker games then got put into our teams which had people from all diff unis. Our team was yellow and we had the ugliest af shirts.
Everyone was so quiet at the beginning but once we did the newspaper game (same as peer support lol) we were all a lot more chill.
Then had dinner which was this grotty pasta, then went to our cabins which were sooooooooooooooooooo shit HAHAHA they actually looked like fucking detention centre shacks.
Each team got a mission for the duration of the camp and ours was to to figure out who the snakes were in each team otherwise we would be "punished" on the last day. 
Then the drinking games began. Goon goon goon all they brought was goon UGH. I had to scull a huge cup and I felt so sick afterwards but that was quickly replaced by pure lit-ness. My respect level for people who can chug goon has risen so much it so fucking nasty.

they're like o shit why does she look like shes crying 
tbh I don't really remember what else happened that night but I think everyone was just having a good time dancing. We brought out the soju + fat lambs a bit later and then went to bed really happy. 


I almost froze during the night because the cabin walls were so thin and it was like 0 degrees. Our shit little box heater was doing nothing. Woke up at 9 for a super white sausage and eggs breakfast.

Played more dumb games like there was this one where we had to discuss with our group why we think Vietnamese culture is important (SHIT GOT DEEP FAST) and why we joined VSA etc. Played some stupid variation on what's the time mr wolf. Omg there was this beast in our team ZOE. there was a planking competition and whoever won got to eat first and fuck she planked for soooooooooooo long (legit ilke 5 mins) and beat Dals our UNSW president HAHAHA. Lunch was vermicelli with nem nuong yes. 

Then there was the amazing race which was so fun. 

There were six stations and at the first one we had to transport water from the lake to a cup but using only our hands and we had to pass the water down in a line?? It's harder than it sounds ok. Second station was choose 6 people from your team and they all had to either take a shot of vodka without making a face, or drink half a cup of fish sauce diluted with water. We chose the vodka option and thank god I didn't have to do it. Third station was a relay race where you had to pick up an orange between your knees and go a few metres without dropping it. Fourth was your whole team has to either eat AN ENTIRE RAW ONION or do a mud course. We chose the mud course and it was super easy and only 1 person actually fell fully into the mud. Was really slippery tho. Fifth and last station was either float pong or something else involving skittles. We chose float pong and it was 6 empty cups lined up in a row, the first one with a ping pong ball inside it, then you fill just the first one up with however much goon you want and you have to try to blow the ping pong ball into the next cup. Catch is, the more goon you put in the easier it is to blow but then you have to drink whatever's in the cup. So I stupidly volunteered cus the lightweight girls didn't want to do it and then I had an entire cup of goon at like 4pm and got super lit. We ended up coming first tho so fuck yes. 

Took a nice shower then there was free time so UNSW practiced our lipsync battle dance. We were doing Toxic by Britney Spears and we already had most of down cus we choreographed it at Kevin's house on Thursday. 
 ffs selina and matt
Dinner was summer rolls complete with pork and prawns. We took out some of the soju bottles during dinner cus we were worried we weren't going to finish the alcohol + needed some liquid courage before the lipsync battles. Our performance was going well until there was a blackout and our song stopped halfway UGH. We still won best dance choreography tho HAHAHAH. Cumbo did a medley of songs including Breaking Free with two guys and it was so DRAMATIC. 

Then the goon comes out again and everyone got so fucked. SO SO FUCKED.
People were chugging soju, midori shots???, Will Sexton had a bottle of Smirnoff by himself what a cooked noodle. There was absinthe going around, Andy brought out his Fireball and then the hardstyle came on and EVERYONE was chucking phat hakks.
SO RED HOT one of our execs was all over this other PR. Had a good time until the alcohol wore off. Then I was just bored. Andy was so fucked he picked me up so many times when I refused to let him walk me to my cabin?? even tho he was swaying with me in the air?? He's so nice but really doesn't think clearly when drunk.

looks completely sober but don't be fooled
got offered some drugs for the first time as well Hammill was sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo fucked and he was sitting next to me and just pulled out some caps and was like you want some? it was fucking 2am I'm not going to try that shit for the first time when I want to go to bed. drugs scare me.

Learnt my lesson from the first night and wore 5 layers on top and 2 layers on the bottom plus 2 pairs of socks to sleep. 


Woke up and all my muscles were hurting probs because too much alcohol had poisoned my body. My shins were bruised like wtf I didn't even fall. Cleaned the kitchen with the UNSW team and then we just sat around a table and talked for a bit before breakfast. Had a wholesome meal on the grass and then we played unooooo. Was farting all day then finally took a very satisfying shit.
Then everyone had to reveal what their missions were and receive punishments if they didn't complete it. Punishment was either a bite of an onion or a shot of goon + milk. Our team didn't finish our mission but for some reason only our captains got punished HAHAHA too bad. 

then jumped on the bus and went back to Cabra. Sat next to Selz again and we played 13 and fell asleep. Our team is too needy so we had dinner together at Bau Truong afterwards. So so full for just $13.50 per person BLESS vietnamese food honestly. Its dirt cheap compared to Korean or Yum Cha. 

Again I'm surprised people know I exist like sometimes I meet people for the third time and they still don't know who i am. I lent my portable charger to Suzanne who I met briefly on the train one time after a Me Oi shift cus she worked at Strathfield but I worked at City with her cousin. When she returned it, she said, "thanks Serena."
Bought some Chatime then went homeeeee. 

Tis will be a weekend I will not forget soon. Made some mems, met lotsa nice people who I will probably be too awkward to interact with outside of VSA events and permanently damaged my liver.


I haven't been following Tennis at all this year besides the AUS Open and the 2nd week of Wimbledon. So I was overjoyed when I found out Nadal, Djokovic and Murray had all been knocked out before the semis. 

The final was so boring tbh Cilic was playing absolutely shitly and basically handed the match to Federer which is why my emotions are kinda muted. Cilic was such a lil bitch crying halfway through the 2nd set when the match wasn't going his way. FUCK OFF M8. Highlight of the match was Federer's kids CUS I WAS SO SHOCKED AT HOW BIG THEY WERE.
Tumblr roger fans having a good day because 8 is such a good number to make sets.



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