Friday 26 January 2018

fkn ceebs

Realise I sound so bratty over this whole post its like I don't appreciate the privilege of travelling but I do

Currently in our shitty airbnb in Shinjuku Tokyo thinking its been a while since I blogged.

Don't think I've ever been away from family this long before and I'm legitimately missing them. Or I'm just missing the comfort of having a home. Or I'm just tired of wasting so much money. Or I'm just done with eating all the time. Or all of the above?

Travelling is such a struggle sometimes lol. We legitimately could've stuffed our trip into 2 weeks into 3 but I didn't know things would cost so much and there wouldn't actually be that much to do here. 

Tokyo is good for the food and that's about it. Shopping is alright too but I don't really like shopping so when Feng and FD go shop I just find somewhere to sit and go on my phone. Plus my bank account is at an all time low (like its down to before I started working after HSC) so bye savings and I'm just sad.

I get randomly annoyed and like idk I just wanna sleep all day so there's that too but I can't do that cus we're in a different country and we gotta make the most of it but ugh alternating between periods of highs and lows lmao. 

Also its so cold here so that doesn't help.

Keen to go home and crawl back into my bed.

Not that I don't like Korea/Japan its just been too fucking long and I'm getting so depresso over how little money I have fml. All we do is legit eat, walk around aimlessly, stop and go on our phones, then eat again whilst looking at our phones lmao fun


ceebs with WIE things, project things, Jimmy things (I need to quit cus I actually can't do homework help anymore because of uni but I'm too lazy) 
Read this and was like wow DAMN why is this me k00l I feel empowered LOVE YOURSELF dats right who needs a bae then I realised this was probably written by some lonely Tumblr soul who wanted to make themselves feel better and this was reblogged/liked by about 350 k lonely/loner Tumblr souls.

cynicism makes me feel better

anyway these things don't really matter just get on it it amirite

I keep getting tagged in crazy cat owner memes and I love it

You know what I'm not fkn ceebs for? another half assed movie review


Dir. Taylor Sheridan
BOOM BOOM POW POW would be the words to describe this movie. It's very eery, kinda slow, but boy does it pay off. There is so much tension building up throughout the movie and I felt low-key stressed for the characters throughout the whole thing. 

Long story short: a girl is found dead barefoot in the snow in a normally quiet, uber cold Indian Reserve and Hawk-Eye and Scarlet Witch have to solve the case.

Another takeaway from this was that the girl who got murdered is really pretty. Top acting from everyone including Jacob Black's father. 


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