Monday 8 January 2018

"thank you for patiently waiting"

omfg I love my Optus service lady she was so kind

have 15gb of data a month now and unlimited Spotify and Netflix streaming... WAM going down even more next semester


Amy rocked up at my house like "I'm outside" and woke me up at the ungodly hour of 9:30 am. Had some pork rolls in tow so like I wasn't mad

We did a bit of work but mostly lazed around, took naps, watched some youtube, played with cat. Eh idk. Was so weird cus Amy never comes to my house. She can't drive xd and I live too far.
We explored my room together and found lotsa memories. Like this photo from Duke of Ed where Eugene looks like a penis and we all look like we wanna kill ourselves except for Caitlin. I found some diaries that I forgot I had and laughed. I need to start keeping a diary again they're so funny.

Took the train to city with anus and we had miso for a yumm0 dinner. Got the katsu with egg this time which is so much better than the plain one. There was still way too much food though.
said goodbye and then left to begin the night.

Chronicles of Lit: The Litness Returns

So the gathering on Saturday was in celebration of Niina's return from Turkey and Egypt!! 

Met up with Phuc and we had time to kill because the rest were still at pres. We wandered around city buying food for that hungry boy and then went red bottle to buy soju. Bumped into Lianus, Lizzie, Selina and Heidi on the way because they had YS training day today. Lianne was grandma and wasn't staying for dinner what a nem nuonga 

We joined a bunch of YS at Kobow and then started drinking. Phuc was being so weird and acting awkward even though it wasn't bad because we knew Lizzie and Selina there. Took some shots, then Niina, Brenda and Dani came. Dani was bored at home and it didn't take much to bait her out. 
We couldn't just whip out the soju we bought from red bottle so we poured the shots under the table. 
walked to Star Bar and then people kept buying rounds and I got really drunk. Felt slightly unwell for a tiny bit but after that, I was lit for the rest of the night. I remember seeing Daniel Phu there um... Star Bar was super fun though!! The music was so good. 

Lizzie was lit af and kept screaming whenever someone danced. I don't remember much. of course had the argument with Niina about who was the better person L M A O the only thing I will stand my ground on is how nice she is. A lot of moping "idk why you're my friend" fucking WHY idk.

Somehow teleported to the train station (who with idk??) then got on the last train home.

Asked my cousin to walk me home HAHAH just Serena things I think he thinks I'm an alcoholic. 

My dad was still awake at 2:25 am for some reason?? When I came home, the cat was sitting on the doorstep and my dad yelled at me "GO TO SLEEP DON'T PLAY WITH THE CAT" so I went inside and closed the door but he didn't go to sleep for ages so I just opened the door and played with it anyway. Drunk me didn't care. My dad didn't say anything though lol. 

Rocked my baby to sleep.

had dnm with Selina until 5:40 am cus she's even more nocturnal than me and then went to sleep as the sun was rising and the birds were chirping xD


Woke up at 11 ish and couldn't fall back asleep cus it was too damn hot. Played with cat who was sleeping at my door because it was shady. 44 in Carramar today?!?! no thanks.

Watched the first episode of Mindhunter whilst I was eating breakfast and after watching so many David Fincher video essays on Youtube I can actually recognise so many of his techniques. The bar scene where the main couple first meet each other had so much background music it actually obstructed what they were saying which is very reminiscent of the opening scene in The Social Network. Also his signature like yellow/green ish colouring in his movies and weird slow camera movements... etc.
Amy's dad picked me up from home and drove me to Amy's house. We took turns napping and resourcing HAAH. She played her playconomics whilst we finished watching Breaking Dawn Part 2. The ending credits where they play A Thousand Years and actually show every single actor on screen o m g still gets me. 

Now its 12:34 am spent like an hour trying to simulate a ball rolling down a ramp on excel I am going crazy. 


I know its going to be good but just worried about the pacing of it lol I've heard it can get pretty slow but its #1 on letterboxd this year for a reason??? theres a ghost story esque scene in this I am so keen for omfg

how am I almost on 2k followers on Tumblr I haven't posted anything original in like two months


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