Friday 5 January 2018

luke skywalkin on these haters





Fk woke up in the middle of the night because my muscles were on fire after tennis. Legit there were throbbing pains in my limbs and every position I was in was just uncomfortable. Had to go back to watching Youtube for an hour before I could fall back to sleep.

3 iBooks in 9 hours? not a problem! Make that 8 hours because I still haven't done jackshit.

Anyone who got me gifts this year, try harder next year
Considering making a gif tutorial because this blog is getting sooooooo boring. 

I need to rewatch A Ghost Story
Going to apply for State VSA as marketing director because why the fuck not. Have some self belief serina!!


me so sad when Oreo makes big cat eyes at me when I have to leave him outside in the freezing cold when I sleep. I have played with him almost everyday for like 2 weeks now and I'm getting very attached. I will be so sad if for some reason she disappears for no reason :( 

today I went to play Scythe with Phuc, Selz and Amy and when Selz drove me home at 3am, I was like "I'LL SHOW U MY CAT BUT I HAVE TO FIND IT FIRST" and I made lots of weird tsks and meow sounds then I heard a tiny meow in the distance and saw Oreo running towards me

those fucking tiny paws huge eyes floofy little steps
When I can't find her I get so sad lol and I'm wondering if she gets as sad if she doesn't see me. Cus I feel like she's around the townhouse a lot more than I am. FK I can't be a pet owner I would be too depressed if my pet was lonely. 

Scythe itself was a fucking marathon. I think we played for 2.5 hours. SO MANY RULES TO REMEMBER HOLY FEK. But you really have to think about strategy for it lol. Phuc and Selz had played it before so they knew what they were doing but Amy was randomly getting lots of resources and I was like tryna learn but strategise at the same time?? Idk its fkin hectic. Could be fun though. 
Resourced so much today cus I didn't know Amy was joking about the 12am deadline. When I found out she was joking I agreed to go board games lol.

Phuc finally updated me properly on his life and I wasn't even shooketh cus I saw his notifs whenever I was DJing in his car - something that everyone knew already except me lol but at least he still talks to me. We were never that close but we drifted more after retreat cus apparently he thought I hated him. bonded over an smh situation. Phuc can be actually funny sometimes and surprisingly considerate.

Idk sitting in my garage now and its 3:44 am. Pretty sure Oreo is still outside sitting at my doorstep fkKKKKK why can't I just adopt her.

I need a pet to need me though. that's why I like Oreo cus so needy.

reflection of my life?

if you don't need me I will gtfo lol.

jokes on second thought um

I feel so exposed because I just exposed myself in my mind 

cus I like people who don't give a shit about me


cats are really self-sufficient

idk what I'm saying

Haiku time:

Amy and the Dalz
loved my homeless Oreo
Selina did too


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