Thursday 4 January 2018

Star Wars: The Last Jedi


Watched Star Wars yesterday with Amy, Eugene and Stephen!!! Ate ramen afterwards at the place next to Aqua S and it was yumm0. Amy made the point that all ramen tastes the same which we didn't disagree with lol. I've legit never eaten bad Japanese ramen??

Lizzie was out drinking with her double squad so she quickly dropped by to give me my Christmas present. I saw her green hair and it was so shocking omg but wowwwwwwww its so bright. She got me a pencilcaseeee and a cat mug cus Oreo.

Everyone was not feeling like kicking on last night so they all went home. I was sad cus it was only 8:30 so I went to Strathfield to eat bingsoo with VSA. Joanne faked being excited to see me xd. got a large melon glu glu and had a debate with Phuc over why The Last Jedi was actually better than "ok".

Went home and played with oreo for ages.


Woke up late, went to library to do some resourcing. Lib closed earlier than expected so I went to buy some cat food and went home. 

Watched the first episode of the new season of Black Mirror and loved it. IT WAS SO WEIRD AND FUNNY but colourful and had a morally ambiguous message? I don't know lol. I identified so well with the loner guy at the beginning then you find out his personality is like O_O

Played tennis with VSA at Auburn from 8-10:30. Was actually really fun today because Khang wasn't there so I got to play with DA BOYS for a bit. Phuc and I won against Daren and Alan XD. Alan said "we're not good at mixed doubles" smh. Then Selz and I vsed Phuc and Alan and we won HAHAHAHA YTGGGGGGG. Hit with Phuc for a solid 20 minutes and I was so beat by the end of it. My back already starting to hurt. I always get I'll think that I'm getting better then I hit 5 balls continuously out. OMG also gave Daren his secret santa gift (truffle oil) and he was so genuinely happy I WAS SO GLAD OMFG. I was scarred after he hated his initial gift - pork rolls.

What she says:
What she means:

Went to El Jannahs afterwards and had a chill time. I'm always grateful for the fact that I don't feel awkward around them anymore. Only took me a year xd HAHAHAH met Veronica today. phuc drove me home and Amy got out of the car again to pet Oreo. Oreo was a bit angery though that she was cuddling him.

this was from earlier when they picked me up
Played with Oreo for another 2 hours (by play I mean rub her head as she makes purring noises and nudges my face with her face). Made her a makeshift house out of boxes and shredded newspaper but she didn't want to live in it. I let her into the house when my dad went to sleep but she was kinda scared lol cus it was a lot more enclosed than what she was used to. Anyway... baby steps until my parents concede that I can adopt her.



Met up with Stephen at Town Hall, went to buy tickets whilst he was waiting for Amy. THANK GOD AMY'S FIREFIGHTER CODE STILL WORKS LOL $10 tickets woooohoooO

Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017)

Dir. Rian Johnson
I was considering making this a normal shitty review but after reading what everyone has to say about it, I feel they can express things in a much more coherent manner so I will just summarise their opinions.

This is literally ridiculous:
Basically critics liked how progressive it was whereas fanboys hated that aspect of it.

From David Ehrlich, my favourite critic because he is funny on twitter:
From Martin K, a random from Rotten Tomatoes

Lmao Star Wars literally cannot win. When they try to be nostalgic (TFA) people criticise its unoriginality, then when it tries to do something new (TLJ), people say its ignoring the legacy of the previous movies.

I mean I see both sides... but its a matter of whether you value overall themes of the movie or the technical aspects of it such as the writing and plot construction. 

I actually liked it and would rate 8/10. I really enjoyed it and was never ever bored. After reading things though I realise that there were so many more plot holes than I thought. and yes whilst I was sitting in the theatre, when Finn said "o we need a master codebreaker" I internally rolled my eyes because I they were introducing a sideplot for no logical reason. Rose was actually useless lol could've cut her out and saved a lot of time. So many things I could go on and on complaining about. 

But none of them really spoiled the movie for me?? Like I knew they were happening and it was kinda lazy writing but I didn't care. I was too invested in the characters (esp Rey and Kylo Ren) to give a shit.

Anyway, this is taking too long ima sleep now. 

I fucking hate people reducing to this as progressive feminist propaganda though. They're like "oh the male characters are way too weakkk we get it females can be strong!!!" fucking dumb that is not the point JUST FOCUS ON THE CHARACTERS THEY R NOT DEFINED BY THEIR GENDER. The fact they still say that shit is worrisome lol

Absolute favourite shot was the glory shot of Rey and Kylo after Kylo had just killed Snoke and they both grab their lightsabers ready to fight the red people. NUT. Salt sand fight was also extremely aesthetically pleasing 


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