Wednesday 17 January 2018

Is it time to retire

Quickly checking in from the freezing cold of South Korea. I'm like deliberating whether or not I should quit blogging because I'm kinda ceebs now. I do this during uni as a form of procrastination so ehhhh....I have sold my soul for too long.
This song is groovy.

Here are some highlights so far :3

CAT CAFEEE!!! Was missing my cat at home so we went to a cat cafe but it was a bit sad because they were all so tired and didn't wanna play :(
(left) little princess, (right) such an ugly scrotum looking cat but it was so cute and tired
 Mum, dad and sis have all been updating me on cat at home though tenks fam (only thing they are useful for xD)
Our airbnb host is the nicest dude ever. We were asking him what delivery options there were around our area and we kinda miscommunicated so he ended up ordering for us.
 this yumm0 cheese stick
 fd forcing us to smile after forcing us to go to an aquarium after forcing us to buy matching jumpers
they give free pamphlets outside the cinema for whatever movie they're showing omfg
hope y'alls having a good cheap holiday xx


Fk this is such a good album lmaoooo I'M VERY PASSIONATE ABOUT THIS ITS LEGIT GOOD EVERY SONG IS GOOD when did I become this basic omfg

The Greatest Showman (2017)

Dir. Michael Gracey
This movie was fun and all but seemed a bit amateurish?? Idk like I get the sense the director didn't really know what he was doing because the pacing was a bit all of the place, the movie ended abruptly, there were multiple messages and it wasn't very focused. Also so baited the most screen time Natasha Bordizzo got was in the background when someone was talking. So sad. 

BUT I LOVE FUN AND THIS WAS FUN LMAO this is the kind of movie my mum would like.

Ghost in the Shell (2017)

Dir. Rupert Sanders

Uh well this was just a bit much potential


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