Tuesday 2 January 2018

nye 2017

So this year I learnt lots of things. Mostly that if I pretend my social anxiety doesn’t exist, then it goes away. fake it till you make it amirite

New Year Same Me

Anyway, on Sunday Amy, Andrew and I took the train from Hurstville to meet Mei and Eugene for dinner at Myung Jung. We went to the red bottle first to check out prices for alcohol. Mei looked funny in her work clothes and we kept teasing her. Went to Woolies to buy chasers but settled on tropical juice since Andrew is allergic to mangoes.

Dinner was pretty good. We spent a lotta money on not a lotta food lol. Kbbq always so expensive. We tried this new thing that was like soft pork that you had to wrap in lettuce with kimchi and other things. It was yumm0.

We went to the bingsoo place right next to Myung Jung and oooomph it was so yummy. We ordered the green tea one and Andrew was sad because he ordered a shitty sad brownie.

Then we went to the restaurant with $7 plain soju and the waiter was super mean to us because we ordered so little food for the amount of soju we wanted. He set down the side dishes and was like "this is the LAST serving you'll get" even though it was the first one?? Idk?? It didn't help that we whipped out our Woolies Tropical Juice halfway through as a chaser lol. I'm such a weak bitch I can't drink plain soju. We played "most likely to" and we came up with the weirdest things like most likely to run out crying because the waiter is too scary.

Left that restaurant slightly buzzed then walked to red bottle. Saw Aileen on the way and had a not awkward convo with her until when I said bye I walked down the street and was confused because Amy and them were nowhere in sight then I turned around and Aileen was making a confused face at me because they had walked into the convenience store right next to me and I didn't see.

The most awkward thing happened outside red bottle lol. We spotted Tina and Eugene went to hug her so I turned around to look at Andrew and Amy. Andrew grabbed Amy's hand and pulled her in the complete opposite direction LOL because nty and Tina was watching us over Eugene's shoulder. I was like um ok den... we realised we were being super snakey so we just walked around Eugene and Tina and into red bottle. Just as we walked in, Tina yelled (SUPER LOUDLY) "EVERYONE!! BACK TO MY APARTMENT!!"
I should've been like "EVERYONE BACK ON THE CRUISE SHIP!!" 

We chilled for a bit then ubered it to Red Leaf Beach. It was pretty quiet but there were a couple of police officers walking around so we chugged some of the alcohol before we went down to the actual beach. 
Everyone got so lit HAHAHHAHA. Eugene was a floppy mess the entire night, Amy was rolling on the ground at one point and refusing to take her clothes off before entering the water and Andrew chundered buckets. I was using the tap underneath the bubbler to wash my hair when he spat his vomit remnants into the bubbler so it dribbled onto my hair I was so angery.

I tried to drink but I sober chundered. Basically the taste was so bad it made my chunder flex unhappy so I just let it out under a tree. I wasn't lit but that didn't stop me from being happy. Stephen joined us as well and he got pretty drunk as well HAHAHA his motor functions were quite lacking he said.
We jumped the fence next to the beach because there was a loud party going on there (appaz they had Sheppard playing). But we couldn't get into the party cus there were seccies but we found nice sand sculptures on the beach.

At midnight, we jumped off the pier!! Then we swam towards like this floating box thing and sat on it and watched the Sydney fireworks. I felt so peaceful because we were slowly bobbing up and down and it was so calm.
I got chucked into the water by Andrew and Stephen and I landed on my back and so much pain was felt. NEVER AGAIN. Eugene was really tragic and she kept stumbling off into the toilets and telling everyone how cool they were and how much she loved them. She said she hoped I would find someone amazing in 2018. HAHAHAH I got baited into getting my pants wet again when she wandered into the water and it was my unofficial turn to go collect her. She was feeling down and we were just talking about how hopefully next year would be better and I was like "we say this now but its probs going to be as shit as this yr. we'll be on a beach next year having the exact same conversation" and she found it so funny for some reason and was happy again. 

SHE KEPT GETTING DIRTY OMFG we washed her but then she would sit and roll in the dirt again or go back into the ocean. She was legitimately a floppy child. We dried her off and Stephen gave her his DRY jacket to wear. Nek minnit she goes in the bathroom and comes out soaking wet because she thought she was still in her rashie and wanted to rinse. We changed her clothes again and I gave her my halsey jumper then she almost fell down into the bubble water. 

We walked like 30 mins back to edgecliff station then trained it back home. Eugene tried to read her book whilst drunk but she couldn't remember what she had read on the pages just before cus she was too drunk. 
We took a maxi uber back to amys house and stopped by maccas on the way back. Our uber driver was the WORST driver ever. He ran a red light 20 seconds into our trip then drove at 70 km/h in a 50 km/h zone with really narrow winding roads. Fucking crazy. There was an accident blocking the way we were going as well because apparently this super drunk guy was speeding and crashed into two parked cars. Our uber driver then did a really really violent 3 point turn where we almost ran over the kids who had jsut told us about the accident, then he sped off like a madman. I really cannot.

Had a really good nights sleep before I had to wake up for my cousin's new year / birthday party with 5 hours of sleep. 

1st Jan

Took a train lugging all my Hunters Valley shit to Concord West. My dad picked me up to go to my cousin's house. I had the first proper conversation with my cousin ever like we never ever talk but she's in Year 11 now and more mature. My mum forced us to sit together and she's actually pretty cool. Teased her about NSG this year lol.

Played with their google home thing and made it play random songs. Played with my three little cousins who are very very strange. One of the boys told me his brother still had to wear nappies to bed and then that brother cried. The oldest one who is 7 was like "can you be my friend?" because apparently he doesn't have many friends at school and it was so sweet. 

Actually had fun at one of my mum's side's family gatherings for once lol. Everyone on that side kinda hates each other so usually the atmosphere is very stiff. I took a really long nap on their couch cus I was dead after new years. 

Went home, played with the cat, ate dinner, watched and finished the crown (nuuuuuuuuuuu).

YAY Eugene finished her book and she liked it hehe

2nd January

Was supposed to meet Niina, Lizzie and Brenda at Lizzies house to watch dye her hair and for a potato reunion since Niina returned from Turkey but I woke up at 12:30 instead of 10:30. I snoozed my alarm but then I didn't wake up after it snoozed ooops. Its ok the OG potatoes are bonding I am just a rotten one.

Finally sent Project my paperwork and contracts and stuff after like 2 weeks. 

I KNOW WHERE MY CAT CHILLS DURING THE DAY NOWWWW its the townhouse right next to ours in this lil bush and fkkkk NOW I CAN PLAY WITH IT WHENEVER I WANT!!! 
omw to watch Star Wars now woopeeeeeee FINALLY I'M SO KEEENENENENENE

The Crown & Other Royal Things

I LOVE THE MONARCHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I finished watching The Crown season 2 and now I'm incredibly upset since there's no more left. Also ALL the actors are going to change next season but I love the current ones so much. I'm too attached to their faces to allow other people into my heart. That second last scene from season 2 episode 10 where Elizabeth and Philip have their very emotional exchange made me cry. I was shooketh it was just two people in a room, no music, figuring each other out and how to say things that they were holding inside for so long without hurting the other person. I'm done they're so cute even though he's a dickbag a lotta the time.

I spoiled a bit of it for myself already because I read the wikipedia page for Princess Margaret and found out she divorces her rebel husband and is no longer alive :( This bitch smoked too much. The actress who plays her, Vanessa Kirby is so candid in interviews I love it.

I just watched an hour long documentary about Princess Diana and it was so sad. Fucking didn't know Prince Wales actually cheated on her and his face is hard to look at as well?? Also I have a newfound respect for Will and Harry because they had to grow up amidst the chaos of their parents' divorce.

I cannot imagine loving someone so much fuck this guy is so whipped but I feel sad for him. This song is so sad but so nice. 

smash all the pictures where I am in the frame
toy with my emotions as if it is a game
in the heat of the moment, call someone else's name
I would love you just the same


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