Tuesday 2 January 2018

Hunt for the Valleypeople

I'm near Singleton where all the single pringles go to die together.

Day 1

Driving and Christmas lights 

Woke up way too fucking early today at Amy's house. We packed the car and started our drive to Hunter Valley stopping only for breakfast at Maccas. The drive didn't seem too long because we all took fat naps / watched Game of Thrones.

Got to Hunter Valley and stopped at McGuigan Winery where we felt super young and childish because there were wine tastings going on and we had no understanding or appreciation for wine at all.

OOH then we went to the Cheesecake shop!! They had blue cheese, various oils and balsamic vinegars to sample. So gooooood. Amy bought this interesting truffle brie as well as some American cheddar which was so bright orange.
took some papparrazzi photos of amy and stephen outside tempus two
Checked into hotel, ate lunch, played with the VR again and took a big nap. Then we tried to play golf and we were all OK like we weren't completely shit. I don't understand golf as a sport though its so boring.

Played Risk for the first time and apparently it took us 3 HOURS TO PLAY!?!?!? It was pretty fun lol but we played the super basic version so I'm keen to try to harder one. 

Had this delicious steak for dinner then went to look at Christmas lights. Apparently this is a really big tourist attraction but fk SO NOT WORTH. I just don't like looking at lights in general. Some can be nice but overall it just seems very artificial to me??? IDK ITS NOT AMAZING. But we had lots of fun trying to take not ugly photos. Bought some slushies and walked through a creepy exhibit where everything was animatronic. 
Crystals are so coool.
Went back to hotel and played tennis which was pretty fun. Everyone was exhausted though so the mood was kinda low. Tired now!! I shall sleep and blog about day 2 tmr. guys i look so sad here but imo also like poor mans natasha bordizzo so 

Day 2

Wine and Cheese Tastings, 

Woke up freezing cold because Amy and I had to share a bed made from sofa cushions downstairs with very thin blankets. Made eggs and bacon breakfast then we went on a mini adventure to get Amy and Stephen the perfect couple photo. 

We stopped at a "Chocolate Factory" along the way which ended up just being a gift shop. Went to Hope Estate to take more couple photos but then they thought I was bored so tried to make me take single photos and this is how they turned out:
Then we went to do some wine tasting at Irongate. The first white wine we tried was actually NICE LOL then it went downhill from there. My body's natural rejection of alcohol intensified as we tried more wines. But our guide was young and really energetic. I was expecting some old person to drone on and on about the subtle flavour hints in the wines or whatever but our person was really straight to the point and funny. 

Look at us being all sophisticated. It's an illusion though because I pulled so many disgusted faces (especially at the fucken red wines FUCK they tasted like olives and weird spices IDK not a fan). My favourite part was when they gave us little cubes of chocolate cake because the chocolate was supposed to enhance the flavour of the red wine.
He took us on a short tour of their brewery and showed us their vineyard. The building was really nice!! It looked like every holiday home in Europe with the tannish coloured walls and marble statues. 
when you try to make me take nice photos
Went back to McGuigan and did a cheese tasting next door. It cost us $8 each to try 5 different cheeses and 4 out of 5 of them were super nice. Amy bought our favourite which was this marinated cream cheese thing idk. The last one as their signature soft blue cheese which was alright but way too strong for the little cracker they gave us.
Returned to hotel, chilled for a bit and ate lotsa snacks. Played VR again!! Drove like 2 minutes up and down the road to find horses to feed apples to but they didn't want the apples :(
Then we went swimming at the hotel pool. felt like the massiffffest third wheel ever. most of the entertainment was provided by AMy's baby cousin Ezra who was super cute and was just beginning to learn to close his eyes and his mouth when he was dunked in the water.
Had Phong's pork belly for dinner which was heavenly. The crackling was so crisp but the meat was so tender it was falling apart. I CUT IT WITH A SPOON!!! 

Then we played so much VR LOL. Farpoint is sososo fun. We watched Stephen defeat the boss and we were all so stressed we kept screaming advice for him. 

Then we went to play tennis again which was super chill. We're mostly still too shit to have proper rallies so it's not really an intense sport atm. Its just like one person serves, the other person hits it back then thats it. When Amy and Kevin were on the same team she kept screaming PHAM SIBS as their team name but it was very not catchy BOOOOOO

Then went back, took showers and now I'm writing this blog. Last time I went I was too young to do the things that you're supposed to do here.

Day 3

Didn't do as much today because we had to pack up and leave :( 

Cleaned up the house, loaded everything into the car and then we went homeeee. I watched an episode of The Crown whilst Amy and Stephen watched some Game of Thrones. 

Got back to Amy's house a few hours later and was greeted by Oscar who was diarrhoeaing on the floor because his carer fed him human food. He wiped his ass on the ground and left a long poop streak. YUMM0. 

then began new year celebrations xddddddddd


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