Wednesday 10 January 2018

potatoes sleepover

uhhh someone tell me what the fuck happened to snapchat.

Yesterday trains were screwed so I got to Project at 11 instead of 10. Had a mini meeting with Isuru, Amy and Eddie but I had nothing to contribute so I just kinda stood there pondering how much work Amy and I needed to do before we left for our respective holidays.

Then had a FLIPPIN DELICIOUS brunch at Flower Child cafe at Chatswood Westfield.
French toast, bacon and egg burger, eggs Benedict!!! (classic cafe food yummmmm)
Stephen was so sick and kept coughing everywhere and Amy was like I don't wanna get sick before my trip and guess the fuck what. IM SICK NOW.
We went to the pet store to look at the animals and I legitimately have a newfound appreciation for cats now. They're so cuteeeeeeee and clean.

Met up with Lizzie and went to Kmart and the dollar store to look for cat care things but there was nothing that I wanted :( 

Amy and Stephen were both zombies so they left and then Lizzie was hungry so we had some kebab plate thing but only ate it for the salad. 

Took a bus to Mascot and then Brenda picked us up. "IM IN THE CAR PARKED REALLY FAR FROM THE CURB" hahahah she wasn't kidding about how bad she was at parkinG... when we got to Niina's she hit the curb then reversed the car's butt back into oncoming traffic O_O lowkey concerned. 

Then we began the eating. Niina's mum showed us how to make really good takoyaki and we worked out that we each ate 14 balls. thats almost one entire tray. We were getting competitive over who could make the best takoyaki but it ended up being really hard to fuck up HAHAHAHA.
Had some weird Turkish fairy floss for dessert that tasted like bread and we died because they actually used wheat to make it
 Then drove to Messina to get more dessert... fk
Put on face masks that made Lizzie look like an Oompa Loompa. Brenda and Niina's one burned apparently HAHAHAHHA. As we were waiting for the face masks to do their shit we sat in the bathroom and talked. They are super reflective and think a lot about their future which I'm kinda like ignoring STILL even though starting 3rd year now. sighs
is this me or is this me
Then they all went to bed. I couldn't sleep so I went on twitter in the dark. Some gems:
Woke up and we cooked a wholesome breakfast. Pancakes, scrambled eggs, smoothie, fruit etc.
Niina gave me a diary, shot glass and this pouch thing. KEEN KEEN KEEEEN  ima bring my shot glass every time we have soju. 
I went home (trains were finally fixed omfg), played with cat and slept for 5 hours. I still have a fucking bad headache and don't feel like doing anything. Amy going to NZ tomorrow and is stressed a f, I'm leaving on Saturday so I still have some time to do things. but fuck I'm so ceebs packing.


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