This MMAN3000 assignment is stressing me out so so so badly because I have no idea what I'm doing even after three days of reading research papers............................................
who is the new vice president (public relations) of WIESoc? This MESS. Naomi just called talking about director apps being launched NEXT THURSDAY and shit is getting a bit too real. HAHHAHA keen to get to choose my own team tho never done that before XD
who is the new vice president (public relations) of WIESoc? This MESS. Naomi just called talking about director apps being launched NEXT THURSDAY and shit is getting a bit too real. HAHHAHA keen to get to choose my own team tho never done that before XD
had like a mini breakdown that night because lol. worked at Ainsworth because my laptop ran outta batts.
when the dick shaped object showed up immediately after I took this photo JUST JOKING xD
Did my app that night and included the photo of me as Jack Sparrow for good measure.
Got to uni at 8 am ish and still couldn't find good parking wtf????
Went to Ainsworth to keep dong MMAN, ran into Rachael from BESS and complained about this assignment with her. Kept crying inside. Had our last WIESoc 2018 team meeting ever then continued dying. Took a momentary break from dying when I met up with Suvekchhya to teach her some photoshop. Then continued dying with Jo.
Drove Jo home for the first time ever but because I drank all her milk tea and water I really needed to pee so I had to go into her grandma's house to pee lol felt so awkward. But her grandma is so nice. also had a phat rant about tues night to her and she understood which idk if she's just saying because I'm actually a psycho sometimes. And she told me what to do before/during DQ because she's such a rave rat.
Thursday (WIESoc AGM 2018)
Spent the whole day yesterday not doing anything but chilling and writing my speech. Got to uni at 9 am for MMAN2100 tutorial then went to matsci but it got so noisy in there so I went outside the lifts to chill by myself.
Wandered around with Brenda and Niina for a bit doing errands, buying chalk. This is Brenda crying over how inept her VP is.
Selz sent my entire recorded speech to VSA and can I just say I want to neck myself....
I was so nervous and like I physically couldn't stop myself from shaking when I got up there but heyyyy I GOT THE POSITION YA YEET. public speaking is NOT MY THING. also a bit awks because one of the girls I was running against came up to me afterwards and said something along the lines of letting her become a director?? I was so confused.
Also the other girl who ran against me like hugged me afterwards and said congratulations and she sounded so genuine and had no disappointment in her voice at all and that was soooooo nice.
also lol niina and I kept looking at each other after the AGM like in disbelief that we both somehow managed to both get into exec. ALSO BRO LOOK AT THIS CAKE ANGELA MADE IM SHOOK IT SO PRETTTTTTTYTYTYTYTYTYTYT. So happy Angela is on the team again because she can bake for us all the time now.
And ofc we need to token male in our Women In Engineering Society XD
Riya made this super emotional speech thanking the old execs at the end and omg Aileen actually cried I was shook. It was cute tho.
Went to Newtown later and joined Amy, Andrew, Eugene, Mei and Stephen for Andrew's farewell since he's going on exchange. We had Italian and went to Holey Moley afterwards. It was fun lmaoooo I think I have a talent for putt putt not even a joke.
this was us trying to take a nice photo but the lighting was too intense so stephen had to stand up and block it for us.
FREE 2 scoops of messina using the Liven app y'alls should... hop on it. AS ALWAYS coconut and lychee soooooooooooooooooooooo good and the salted caramel white choc one as well nomnomnom.
special tenks to my peeps who came to AGM to support my shaking ass but yeah I was so like genuinely grateful that people who said they were gonna show up actually did ABSOLUTELY SHOOK shaken stirred.
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