Sunday 2 September 2018

what a heavenly way to die

my fav song off Troye's album


Uniiiiiii then networking dive then selz picked phuc and I up from the city to go tennis. Tennis was wholesome, played a game with Alan but we both kinda not the best so all the rallies were like 3 shots or less. Had HSP at Sammy's Kebab. Can't even remember the last time I had a HSP.


Had a super chill day at home. I woke up and watched this long-ass movie called American Honey. It was so indie like the whole movie kinda had no real plot but it was interesting nevertheless. Apparently the director cast the main actress after meeting her at Spring Break? So coooool now she's making all these high profile indie movies. 
Tutored my year 12 kid, then headed out to city for Carmen's birthday. Had a phat feed at Belles Hot Chicken. Got the spicy chicken sandwich with fries ($19) because they ran out of mac n cheese. It was pretty good but not mindblowing tbh. Chicken was very oily.
Went to sanct, got lit then headed to Mr Tipplys for the VSA Camp Reunion thing but it was quite dead lololol. Ended up using like $10 of Bonnie's money gambling gg.
idk what happened that night besides what I wrote on the previous post. Yikessss. Just the same depresso stuff that comes out when I'm drunk.


Early Father's Day celebrations :) Woke up with a hangover ish but after drinking 600 mL of water I was fine. 

Dad drove us to Burwood where we watched Crazy Rich Asians then ate dinner at Rickshaw Food. Their stir-fried beans were sooooooooo good like so garlicy and crunchy and shit.
Hainan chicken was yummmmmmm nom nom nomm can't really fuck it up tho can you?
 dry laksa was disappointing. Still ok tho
 fish with sweet and sour sauceeeeee
 THIS SHIT WAS THE SECOND HIGHLIGHT AFTER THE BEANS OMG its like fig jelly / lychee drink zomg so yum
 its our daddy
Crazy Rich Asians was good I'm keen to watch it again hehehe. SO BEAUTIFUFLFLFLFLFLFL. aLSO LOL my parents knew all the chinese songs in it (ONE SONG WAS THEIR WEDDING SONG LOOLOLOLOL)
Got home then drove to Amy Lim's to chill with Selz. Idk what we did but it was fun HAHAHA. Told selz that this morning my dad put on a new Tommy Hilfiger hat and I was like confused cus he doesn't buy branded stuff and halfway through asking him where he got it from I realised it was Selinas HAHAAHAHA.

Also showed them both some country songs and cracked up cus selina was like "she's starting with like the pop country and then before long she's going to start putting on Keith Urban" and at that exact moment I was scrolling through Keith Urban's profile on Spotify. Watched half of some trash movie on Netflix.

Wasn't going to sleepover but I was too tired to drive home. 


Got home today to angry parents because I didn't tell them I was sleeping over but they got over it pretty quick. Now need to do some WIESoc things and then tutoring and then study for midsem on Tuesday :(


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