Sunday 30 August 2015

2nd half of Phys & Engo

Forgot to do a post about getting engineering and the rest of physics back.

I didn't actually do well for engineering like all the mistakes I made weren't mistakes they were just things I didn't know because I didn't study enough HAHAHA. Also I have no idea if I'm still first because I don't know how anyone else did except for Emmy. Oh well Denyer said he would put the first person's internal mark as like 98 so as long as I study for legit HSC I will be ok. IF I STUDY LOL.
I did really well for physics and I thought it was my worst exam but legit after getting results back I think it was one of my best. I did not deserve it at all like I'm so sorry I did well because studied for that shit in one night. Oh well the marking criteria was so convenient. I barely knew anything but what I knew happened to be what they were looking for so uh...for the 5 marker I was freaking out about Mccrossin gave me an extra mark which I'm not entirely sure I deserved so I ended up getting 4...
I thought I was on Edda's level but turns out Edda is first for both 3U and 4U.

Vetigel & Exploding Arteries

I think this kind of stuff falls under biomedical engineering as well. Everything just seems really cool.
Imagine all the lives this would've saved on Grey's Anatomy (and of course in real life). I still remember the episode where this guy had an " exposed carotid artery" which would explode every so often. This is not for the squeamish. Skip to 1:20 for the good part.
I think I'm 100% set on doing biomedical engineering just don't know whether to do it at UNSW or USYD. USYD offers a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering degree which can be combined with comm/science/med science/law/other stuff whilst UNSW offers a double degree of Masters of Biomedical Engineering with a Bachelor of Engineering (includes mechatronic, chemical, electrical etc).

Please give me advice guys I don't know what to do. Also did nothing today. I kind of wish we still had Peak because so unmotivated to do any work right now.
Stop taylor just stop

Saturday 29 August 2015

UTS & USYD Open Days

Went to UTS open day with FD today even though she is interested in communications and I want to do engineering hahah. Prepare for many mad max photos because Feng has finally watched it and now someone understands.

I went to a mechanical and mechatronic info session in the new engineering building and was so pumped to learn stuff about this strange course that I knew nothing about
...and left after 15 minutes because it was so so so so boring. The guy talked in this monotone voice and stuttered/paused so many times. Not a good impression of engineering at UTS at all and I was seriously so unmotivated after that.
So I just followed Fiona around to her comm sessions and we ate free fairy floss, ice cream, popcorn and sausage sizzle! We learnt about the Bachelor of Creative Intelligence and Innovation degree which teaches you how to think about things in a different way and it sounded really cool (though vague). And you can combine it with lots of other degrees. They kept repeating "multi-disciplinary approach"??

Then we ate some pie from Harry's and waited 20 mins for a bus to take us to USYD because FD can't navigate and use tripview. When we got there we were shocked because the atmosphere was so much more lively compared to UTS. There was an indie band playing on the lawn and people were just chilling on bean bag/playing giant jenga. And there were funky ass ballons everywhere. Overall it just looked like USYD put heaps more effort into decorating their place. The Hogwarts building doesn't hurt either.
Saw random sghs and people from carramar. When we walked pass Kelly He and her bf, FD said KELLY really loudly but she didn't hear and I think her bf heard and it was so awkward. FD followed me into the biomedical lecture and it was like 981231982361982 times better than the one at UTS. Then she went to find Joyce and I stuck around for a aeronautical one with Eugene and her friend (who flew in from VIC just to attend open day).

Though the lectures were good they just made me more confused about what degree I want to do and what uni I want to go. Oh well hopefully I will be convinced by UNSW next Saturday otherwise idk what to do in life. Going to end up like this guy.
Then Eugene and I chilled on the lawn waiting for Tina. USYD seems like a really really nice university and not pretentious at all from what I saw at open day. Maybe because I didn't go to the law part. Its also a lot easier to navigate because everything is in like one place whereas UTS is scattered all over the city.

So basically I wasted a day because I still don't know what I want to do.

Thursday 27 August 2015

Healthy Parra KFC got shut down :(

Happens to me all the time lol.

Caught up with Fi in the morning when we bumped into each other on Carramar platform! The healthy hipster Parra KFC she was working at got shut down so she was transferred to Lidcombe KFC which is just a normal one. Turns out her manager is Julie who was one of the managers at Villawood when I was still working LOL. I think she disliked me because I was too uncool and asked too many questions. I thought she was sososososo nice when I first worked with her but eventually she realised I was so dumb and stopped being nice to me.

Went to Cabra library today after school and fell asleep on the train even though I had 8 hours of sleep last night. Almost finished my astrophysics notes after like 4 days of putting it off omg. School sucks so much. Edda was like our hsc mark is going to be averaged between the two of us so if one of us doesn't get 100 then we'll be dragging the other person down. I'm going to drag Edda down. I don't want this pressure omg.

I think I've settled on doing an engineering double degree and atm I'm swaying towards Masters of Biomedical / Bachelor of Engineering at UNSW. Only 91.05 so I don't really know why I'm trying. Sis said you can only really decide what uni you want to go to after you go to the open days and attend their mock lectures. But I'm not sure other unis offer that degree so :/

Need to start applying for scholarships but I don't want to answer those "why do you want to do this course" questions because I don't even know why I want to do that course. It just sounds cool. Also I realised how few co-curricular and out of school things I do so kinda screwed for applications.

I have like random hours of the day when I'm so happy and then other hours when I'm like why am I so dumb.

Wednesday 26 August 2015

Paper 2

"Climb out of your funk and start cracking bc there's only 6 weeks to go!" - Nellie.

Nellie's newfound positivity is scaring me omg I don't want to get cracking I want to mope.

Got up today and can I just say I did not miss the 5:15am wake ups for Wednesday badminton at all. I feel so drained and nope about everything. On the brightish side, I've finally accepted my not so great chem mark. Kylie, Feng, Lok, Lulu and I mostly laughed about our exam whilst going through industrial and dissing the dumb marking criteria. Kylie said my mercury cell and membrane cell answer was really good hehehehe.

Got paper 2 back today I did like pretty not ok but didn't FAIL fail. Got 11.5 for Hamlet HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. So ceebs to work on it though. Oh wells. E is so smart omg I won't name her but she got 14 15 14. She wrote her entire Hamlet essay from scratch because she couldn't mould her prepared one and got 15!! She deserves it so much wewt wewt go E. She's got her formal dress friggen organised in life.

When I was about to get off the train, I picked up my school bag off the train floor and I felt something wet and I was like OMG WTF IS THIS. Turns out one of the straps on my bag was soaked through with coffee cus some asshole spilt their coffee on the floor. So I had to like carry my bag home on one shoulder and it was so nasty I still smell like old coffee.

Do not know what I am going to do for HSC English esp mod B. Can someone help me with lvl 11 of Happy Wheels if you've passed it? Been stuck on it for so long. (jk just passed it nvm)

Tuesday 25 August 2015

Chem, 1/2 Phys, 3U

Chem has me feeling so devastated I can't even deal. Mum is not helping either she's like well that's what you get for not working hard. And I'm just so sad like why can't I be more hardworking I kind of deserved it. I did like one past paper before chem. But still so sad :( And I'm not even close to Maggie's level someone said she got 93 even after missing a 4 mark question. She is superhuman. I am a dog. I'm still fucking sour about the ozone question like fuck you why include depletion of ozone in the question if you want formation in your answer?? And lost 3 marks over more dumb things.
Got half of phys back and I did really well but I have this feeling I'm going to fail the other section because it was the part with the 5 marker wtf option question and also stuff on Einstein/Planck that I didn't know how to answer. And going off Lucy's multiple choice sheet I don't think I did too well for that either.
I told my mum I got 100 for 3U after telling her about phys and chem and she didn't even register it in her little brain. She was just going on about how I deserved what I got for not working hard. 3U happiness can't make up for chem.

Monday 24 August 2015

Paper 1 and 4U

I'm pretty happy with paper 1 and 4U. I forgot to do one part of a question for 4U so could've gotten 98. But the other two marks were like wtf would've never gotten them so :/ And I bullshitted so much for the last question but Stokes was so nice he was like this is so messy but w/e will still give you the marks.

Its all downhill from here. Sosososososo worried I might bomb 3U bye 1st. Paper 2 esp Hamlet is going to be so shit. And chem lol what a joke seriously lucky if I get 80. Kylie you better tell me what you get for chem because you are going to do so much better than me. Also getting phys back and when Jusmin got it back she said the f word 3 times and she never ever swears so that's how bad its going to be.

The creative marker was so nice omg. Better corrections than Cinquetti!! Cinq didn't even pick up on all my grammatical errors lol. Or maybe he did but he was just like overall your story is pretty shit so gotta fix it on a broader scale before we look at grammar. Seriously all you could see on my paper was green but still did well if you take into consideration how many errors I had.

Didn't tell my Dad my marks because I don't want him to remember to ask me tomorrow for chem and phys.

Started watching Wild today but there are so many sudden sex scenes so had to stop because my parents kept walking in and out of the living room. As Nellie said it is very like existential and profound (so I don't really get it) but its good. Also napped for 3 hours and woke up thinking it was time to go to school. I think its time to start some work....................................

Also Federer won at Cincinnati (beating Djokovic in final 7-6 6-3). YAYYYYYYYYYYYY back to no.2.

#chemwascrap #phuckmephys #paper2wasreallypoo

Sunday 23 August 2015

Eating August Babies for Dinner

Had lots of fun at Dae Jang Kum Campsie celebrating the birth of babies in August. Snaps to Carrie, Michelle, Joyce and Tammy for being the oldest hags in our group. First time in a long time our group has done something together!! Well 14 of us which is most of us.
Feng got this huge plate of seafood that no one wanted to eat so she had to eat 3 octopi by herself.
Me when I have to eat green stuff. Also why FD never ever farts.
Here are some pretty fucked up panoramas

Trying to unsuccessfully selfie with the whole group
Practicing cooking for Alex

Tutorial on how to be as fat as me. Just ignore your stomach and your oesophagus telling you to stop, and shove it down. Gotta make the $32 worth it.
Feng forgot to take off her mascara after and this is what happened.

Overall had a really good time, food was good and special thanks to Tammy & her mum who drove me home :) Hope you like your temporary present. Happy birthday everyone!!! 

Saturday 22 August 2015


YUAN you are turning 18 today congratulations you are now an adult!! It has been 18 years since you came out of your mother's womb, and almost 18 years since we first hung out as babies. For most of those 18 years we were like two peas in a pod because I liked everything you liked (nerf guns, Bionicles). It was probably strange for you to have to grow up with 5 girls around you, but hey, you turned out alright in the end. Here is a recap of your life so far.

Fresh outta the womb like "aw shit we on land"

Always such a strange child

 I'm surrounded by too many females what do I do

 I wonder if I can swallow this

 Devil children
 I think we should start a band
 Dun mess with us
I'm crying manly tears before the first day of school
Hating school since 2003
 Squad goals

 YUMMM cha
Welcome to breakfast with the Luongs
 Are you trying to touch my butt

Oi Fuk off m8


 You can always fall back on modelling

 On our way to chinese school

 My wombat is #1
 Silent protest about my dad taking too many photos
 Game of Thrones: A Storm of Seaweed

 Casually practicing being homeless

 I can dance too
 Thinking about the future

 I'm just going to mess up this deep af photo I CAN ALMOST TOUCH MY TOES

 LOL remember when we used to call Stephanie and Manly mum and dad

 Fuck never going on this again
 Pre-talent quest
 Look at dese guns
 Developing arsonist

 Getting old
 Mhmm nice nostrils

 On our way to Queensland

 Oi Yuan stare contemplatively
R we going to die
 Comes back from Queensland 10 shades blacker

Those photos are from pre-2009 which was like 6 years ago. But I think we haven't changed much. Except we've gotten less cute and more fat. Oh wait that's just me.