Sunday 23 August 2015

Eating August Babies for Dinner

Had lots of fun at Dae Jang Kum Campsie celebrating the birth of babies in August. Snaps to Carrie, Michelle, Joyce and Tammy for being the oldest hags in our group. First time in a long time our group has done something together!! Well 14 of us which is most of us.
Feng got this huge plate of seafood that no one wanted to eat so she had to eat 3 octopi by herself.
Me when I have to eat green stuff. Also why FD never ever farts.
Here are some pretty fucked up panoramas

Trying to unsuccessfully selfie with the whole group
Practicing cooking for Alex

Tutorial on how to be as fat as me. Just ignore your stomach and your oesophagus telling you to stop, and shove it down. Gotta make the $32 worth it.
Feng forgot to take off her mascara after and this is what happened.

Overall had a really good time, food was good and special thanks to Tammy & her mum who drove me home :) Hope you like your temporary present. Happy birthday everyone!!! 


  1. OMG HAHAHA who made the pink poster?

  2. omg title "eating august babies for dinner" literally eating the 4 kids wow ok
