Wednesday 26 August 2015

Paper 2

"Climb out of your funk and start cracking bc there's only 6 weeks to go!" - Nellie.

Nellie's newfound positivity is scaring me omg I don't want to get cracking I want to mope.

Got up today and can I just say I did not miss the 5:15am wake ups for Wednesday badminton at all. I feel so drained and nope about everything. On the brightish side, I've finally accepted my not so great chem mark. Kylie, Feng, Lok, Lulu and I mostly laughed about our exam whilst going through industrial and dissing the dumb marking criteria. Kylie said my mercury cell and membrane cell answer was really good hehehehe.

Got paper 2 back today I did like pretty not ok but didn't FAIL fail. Got 11.5 for Hamlet HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH. So ceebs to work on it though. Oh wells. E is so smart omg I won't name her but she got 14 15 14. She wrote her entire Hamlet essay from scratch because she couldn't mould her prepared one and got 15!! She deserves it so much wewt wewt go E. She's got her formal dress friggen organised in life.

When I was about to get off the train, I picked up my school bag off the train floor and I felt something wet and I was like OMG WTF IS THIS. Turns out one of the straps on my bag was soaked through with coffee cus some asshole spilt their coffee on the floor. So I had to like carry my bag home on one shoulder and it was so nasty I still smell like old coffee.

Do not know what I am going to do for HSC English esp mod B. Can someone help me with lvl 11 of Happy Wheels if you've passed it? Been stuck on it for so long. (jk just passed it nvm)


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