Sunday 9 August 2015

My Social Awkwardness

Omg so none of you probably know what it feels like to be socially awkward because y'all are functioning human beings. MEANWHILE, I am seriously the most socially awkward person you will ever meet in your entire life. This is what happened at Peak today:

Everyone at PEAK except for a few people including Nancy Dinh and I were playing mafia cus they had all finished their trials and no one wanted to do any work. I was testing Nancy on chem and stuff and it was all good UNTILLLLLLLLLL she had to leave early and like I was standing in the lobby place awkwardly whilst she said bye to Phuc and they were like hugging and kissing and shit and like WHAT ARE YOU MEANT TO DO IN THOSE SITUATIONS??????

Anyways, after she left I knew like no one, whilst everyone else was like laughing and screaming playing mafia. So I was just kinda sitting there watching like a creep. See this situation is getting worse and worse.

Its like 6:45 and then Ms Yen brings out sushi because it's the last day of class and I'm kinda hanging around with no friends and like I wanna snapchat the sushi to show all the Peak people who didn't come and then just as I take a picture this bitch behind me laughs to her friend haha just take one from overhead too. And my hair is like ratchet second day hair as well because if I don't have to see anyone, I don't wash it. SOOOO AT THIS MOMENT IM SO AWKWARDLY EATING SUSHI IDK WHAT TO DO NO FRIENDS NO ONE TO TALK TO.

Then my dad calls and is like hey I'm outside, so I want to leave but not without saying thank you to Yen first because she's a gr8 physics teacher (and also Nancy got her flowers before class bcus you know Nancy Dinh). AND LIKE IDK WHAT TO DO BCUS YEN IS SURROUNDED BY ALL THESE PEOPLE. So I decide to try to sweep out of the room unnoticed...

I chuck my sushi plate into this box which I think is the bin and then suddenly yen turns to me and is like "that's not the bin" in her snide way AND ERRYBODY LOOKING AT ME and I'm just like can someone just kill me now. And this dude goes "that's so gross". So I take my plate out of the box (which is actually holding like chip packets) and I just leave the room and chuck it in the outside bin.