Thursday 6 August 2015

Do Nothin Bitch

I'm listening to the Pride and Prejudice OST being like, wow this is so nice and I don't even like classical music. Maybe because I liked the movie so I'm biased? This is my mind poop. 

I'm halfway through my trials and I've barely done anything for the past two days. I've watched 3 Joe Wright movies over the past 2 days and I can't even deal they are just so good. Atonement was fucking depressing though. And Anna Karenina as well such sadness. 

Also watched Never Let Me Go today and like how do people think up stories like these? They are so crazy and sad and just ugh why is humanity so shit. Can't talk cus I'm one of the shit ones. Don't know how I'm going to survive in the real world when I can't even meet new people without floundering. The struggle is real. I'm such a do nothing bitch as Ronda Roussey would say. 

Sitting trying to do my engineering notes and everything just sucks. I had an argument with my dad over a croissant, because he was accusing me of burning it when my sister actually just left it there WHEN SHE SAW IT BURNING???? Wtf do I go around telling him off when he burns my breakfast??? 

So strange, I keep feeling sad that high school is over. Like such a long chapter of my life and its almost over. I look at yr 7s being like wow they are so so so young and they have so much ahead of them. And it felt like we were in their position only a few moments ago. 

Fuck spotify ad just interrupted my nice P&P music. Good luck to eco kids for tomorrow. Me rn. 


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