Friday 14 August 2015


How is everyone doing? Congrats to those who have finished trials (more like I envy your shits atm) and my non-existent heart goes out to the poor souls who have exams next week. Brb dying engo on tuesday and phys on wednesday.

I am sad because with each passing day my chem mark drops lower and lower because people are telling me all the right answers and like I didn't get any of them so bye bye top 5 dream rank for chem, see you in the afterlife along with my shitty phys rank.

After Kylie, Feng and I finished maths exam, we had many errands to run at school and then we ran into Dr Dennis and she was like oh how was the chem exam the other day? And inside I was like "it was the shittest thing I have ever done in my life" but ofc I couldn't say that so I was like "uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh it was not great" and she didn't say much she was just like well at least its over. Srsly when marks come back she'll be like wtf happened???

After that, we went to eat at 678 and it was pretty yummy. When we finished eating we were dessert hunting and we were deliberating between like N2 and Anita but they were both kinda trek. Then we walked past this Thai restaurant and we see this dude and his gf eating this giant pink slushie thing and Kylie was like "OMG OMG OMG LETS EAT IT OMG!!!!!!!!" I was like are you serious??? But it looked really cool cus it was in this like giant martini cup. So Kylie went inside to ask the lady what they were eating and then we like ordered it and sat outside, right in front of the couple.

The service was so good. They gave us water and Feng poured it all out so I started playing with the empty bottle and then the waiter came out and like took it off me and gave us a new bottle LOL. The actual dessert was pretty shit tho :( It was basically a pink bubblegum slushie with condensed milk, oreos and weird soggy bread at the bottom???? Lol feng looks so serene in this photo.

Lol this song sucks when you first listen to it but srsly it gets better: Love Myself by Hailee Steinfeld