Monday 24 August 2015

Paper 1 and 4U

I'm pretty happy with paper 1 and 4U. I forgot to do one part of a question for 4U so could've gotten 98. But the other two marks were like wtf would've never gotten them so :/ And I bullshitted so much for the last question but Stokes was so nice he was like this is so messy but w/e will still give you the marks.

Its all downhill from here. Sosososososo worried I might bomb 3U bye 1st. Paper 2 esp Hamlet is going to be so shit. And chem lol what a joke seriously lucky if I get 80. Kylie you better tell me what you get for chem because you are going to do so much better than me. Also getting phys back and when Jusmin got it back she said the f word 3 times and she never ever swears so that's how bad its going to be.

The creative marker was so nice omg. Better corrections than Cinquetti!! Cinq didn't even pick up on all my grammatical errors lol. Or maybe he did but he was just like overall your story is pretty shit so gotta fix it on a broader scale before we look at grammar. Seriously all you could see on my paper was green but still did well if you take into consideration how many errors I had.

Didn't tell my Dad my marks because I don't want him to remember to ask me tomorrow for chem and phys.

Started watching Wild today but there are so many sudden sex scenes so had to stop because my parents kept walking in and out of the living room. As Nellie said it is very like existential and profound (so I don't really get it) but its good. Also napped for 3 hours and woke up thinking it was time to go to school. I think its time to start some work....................................

Also Federer won at Cincinnati (beating Djokovic in final 7-6 6-3). YAYYYYYYYYYYYY back to no.2.

#chemwascrap #phuckmephys #paper2wasreallypoo



  2. Don't you just highlight the whole picture and then centre alignment?
