Saturday 22 August 2015


YUAN you are turning 18 today congratulations you are now an adult!! It has been 18 years since you came out of your mother's womb, and almost 18 years since we first hung out as babies. For most of those 18 years we were like two peas in a pod because I liked everything you liked (nerf guns, Bionicles). It was probably strange for you to have to grow up with 5 girls around you, but hey, you turned out alright in the end. Here is a recap of your life so far.

Fresh outta the womb like "aw shit we on land"

Always such a strange child

 I'm surrounded by too many females what do I do

 I wonder if I can swallow this

 Devil children
 I think we should start a band
 Dun mess with us
I'm crying manly tears before the first day of school
Hating school since 2003
 Squad goals

 YUMMM cha
Welcome to breakfast with the Luongs
 Are you trying to touch my butt

Oi Fuk off m8


 You can always fall back on modelling

 On our way to chinese school

 My wombat is #1
 Silent protest about my dad taking too many photos
 Game of Thrones: A Storm of Seaweed

 Casually practicing being homeless

 I can dance too
 Thinking about the future

 I'm just going to mess up this deep af photo I CAN ALMOST TOUCH MY TOES

 LOL remember when we used to call Stephanie and Manly mum and dad

 Fuck never going on this again
 Pre-talent quest
 Look at dese guns
 Developing arsonist

 Getting old
 Mhmm nice nostrils

 On our way to Queensland

 Oi Yuan stare contemplatively
R we going to die
 Comes back from Queensland 10 shades blacker

Those photos are from pre-2009 which was like 6 years ago. But I think we haven't changed much. Except we've gotten less cute and more fat. Oh wait that's just me.