Friday 7 August 2015


Woke up at 2:30 pm today after the deepest sleep ever it was so amazing.

I haven't had any weird dreams in the past two days because totally not stressed about exams after English is over. I've told this to many people already but on the night before paper 1, I had this crazy dream where our whole grade was stranded on this steep ass beach and the tide kept rising, and people couldn't escape cus the beach was too damn steep so everyone drowned.

Sometimes I dream about Peak and Ms Yen and Nathan telling me I got <50% in the exam.

I watched Sense and Sensibility today and thought it was like ok but totally put off by how old the movie is (1995?) and how unappealing the visuals are compared to 2005 Pride and Prejudice. But Wikipedia says it was nominated for 7 Academy Awards and it's apparently the most popular Austen adaptation ever so I must've missed something. Also why are her stories so happy happy joy joy I feel like fairytale endings are too good to be true. And its always a poor girl marrying a rich dude? She originated the k-drama stereotype.

HAHAHAHA and Snape's voice is so distinctive like seriously its crazy.

am I doing with my life? My future is looking as dark as Jessica's butt hole. IM RUNNING OUT OF MOVIES TO WATCH PLS RECOMMEND.

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