Sunday 9 August 2015

Things I Have Lost

Hi poopsters. I had nothing to blog about so I googled "interesting things to blog about" and this website 50 things to blog about came up. Soooooo I'm going to talk about #32, and make a comprehensive list of the major things I have lost in my life. Some of them I have found whilst others are still floating in the nether. No one is as forgetful as me. This is way too long so don't read it if you ceebs.

Yes, one of the most expensive things I have ever lost is my Oboe, which I had loaned from the school back in those yr7 days when I thought it was ok to spend $33 for a lesson teaching me an instrument which I only wanted to learn because the name sounded cool. Like omg "OBOE" wowzers. I literally didn't even know what it looked like before I signed up for it. Anyways, I lost it for like one weekend because I left it in the library bag area. Luckily someone put it in lost property so I didn't have to pay the school back LOL.

Swimming stuff
During those terms when we did swimming at UNSW pool for school in like year 8 or 9, I lost my whole swimming bag with like towels, goggles and swimming costume. But no I didn't just lose it once, I LOST IT TWICE. Fully lost the first bag forever, but I think a cleaner picked up the second bag. go cleaners. They are so nice but they are underpaid poop. 

I don't even know how many jumpers I have lost over the years. I think at least 3? One of them I found again after I saw it sitting on top of a cupboard in our maths room. It was so nasty. 

I think year 10?? went to badminton at SBHS gym and left my shoes in a separate plastic bag next to my school bag. So when I left I forgot to pick up my shoes. Gone forever. Like $60. Bye. Sorry mother.

Train/Bus pass
If you have never lost a train/bus pass I seriously commend you so much you deserve a medal. I lost both of them in like year 10 and it probably fell out of my pocket when I was taking out my phone or w/e. Recently my bus pass got sucked into the ticket machine cus I put it in the wrong way. The bus driver was like da fuck did you do. But then he mailed it back the school the next day.

Lost this really nice black Kathmandu umbrella because I left it on the train.

The day before my 2u HSC exam last year I "lost" my folder and I thought I left it on the school bus so Tina, Fip? and Tammy were tryna call all the bus depots and shit cus it had all my 2u stuff in it. Next day, I'm just like at my locker and what do I see?? MY FOLDER.

Pencil Case
Poop so sad about this one because I just bought a new duck Daiso pencil case and it was so clean compared to my ratchet ass Panda one, and then I left behind on the train somehow after doing maths homework. And it had my new calculator and new pens and stuff. Never told my parents about this one because my dad had just bought me the new calc.

Left my school bag in a restaurant like 2 months ago HAHAHA. I was about 20m out of the restaurant when the waitress was like WAIT your bag!! 

My Soul
I lost it the day I came outta the womb.

The real message to take away from this is that public transport is evil and it sucks away all your belongings so watch out. #notmyfault

*Nell just snapped a picture of a house being like "when Jessie J lives around the corner".

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