Sunday 30 August 2015

Vetigel & Exploding Arteries

I think this kind of stuff falls under biomedical engineering as well. Everything just seems really cool.
Imagine all the lives this would've saved on Grey's Anatomy (and of course in real life). I still remember the episode where this guy had an " exposed carotid artery" which would explode every so often. This is not for the squeamish. Skip to 1:20 for the good part.
I think I'm 100% set on doing biomedical engineering just don't know whether to do it at UNSW or USYD. USYD offers a Bachelor of Biomedical Engineering degree which can be combined with comm/science/med science/law/other stuff whilst UNSW offers a double degree of Masters of Biomedical Engineering with a Bachelor of Engineering (includes mechatronic, chemical, electrical etc).

Please give me advice guys I don't know what to do. Also did nothing today. I kind of wish we still had Peak because so unmotivated to do any work right now.
Stop taylor just stop


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