Sunday 16 August 2015


Everyone seems to be having existential crisises atm. Idk why because we go to a  really good selective school and even if you come last you are still a lot better off than most other people. So no worries. Everything will work out in the end.

This girl on HSC Discussion Group was like "HAHAHAH I came 23/69 in standard English but only got 49/100".

Sydney Girls are too hard on themselves sometimes including me. LOL I want to do engineering which is around 91 but I still get sad when I lose 4 marks in maths. So dumb. We will all look back when we are old and wrinkly and remember the fun times, and laugh at how we all thought we were going to die if we got under avg for English.

Stop worrying (Kylie, Nellie). You guys will be thriving citizens in a couple of years. If not, you can come rent some cheapass houses in Carramar. There is a convenience store just around the corner. And a post office.

Supposed to be studying for engineering but so ceebs. Wtf are trusses. Wtf are gears. Wtf are velocity ratios. Wtf are tracheids. Is this biology. I no longer know. 

Listening to 2NE1 and everytime Lonely comes on i think of foetus Illawarriors singing it for some competition.


  1. tracheids!!! and yes truly wise words. although you never know, prices for carramar may rise very soon before you even know it HAHHA
