Wednesday 19 August 2015

Physics was so shit (& cycling)

Physics was my worst exam by far for trials omg it was so terrible there was a 5 marker on how modern stellar spectrums are obtained and I didn't even have notes on it so I was like wtf. Can't bullshit 5 marks if you don't even have a general idea what it is???????? And everything else was like uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh probably going to lose 5 marks for multiple choice srsly wtf was that.

Hopefully I do well in maths to make up for all my shitness in every other exam omfg.

WE WENT CYCLING TODAY!!! It was so tiring I think my thighs are going to hurt tomorrow.
So much swag (Joyce why are you not facing the camera I tried)
And I pushed the cart biggest loser style because that was less tiring than actually cycling. While FD and Feng sat like princesses.
 Here we are
FD turned into a child after lunch and was like can we climb on the bridge!!!!! So we did and took a photo to commemorate the occasion.

Can't deal with Kylie watching all of alex's recs. Kylex 5eva.


  1. i can not even physics...
    HOLY SHIT DUDE SAME QUESTION fml bye atar bye physics rank
