Monday 10 April 2017

FD's 19th // rock bottom



Tutored my Year 9s (YEAH HOLIDAYS FOR 2 WEEKS HEHE) then went home and played guitar, basically fucked around for like 4 hours doing nothing. 

Made FD's card which was a collage thing. Also feng writes her birthday messages like she writes her essays - crossing out words, adding in lots of these ^ because she can't form coherent thoughts. Drove over to Amy's to print it out and also cus I was planning to sleepover at her house after. 
I thought dinner started at 6:30 but it actually started at 6 IM SUCH A MONG SOMETIMES


Omw there I bumped into xin lmaoowqooqoqowowoo
Yah arrived and saw everyone wowz hadn't seen some of you shits for a luong time esp like Sharon and Jessie O_O 

Sat down and one of the first things Amy said was CHRISTINE READS YOUR BLOG and I was so embarrassed cus like I barely knew her before this (we only met once at FD's last year WOW ITS BEEN A YEAR WTH) but 
also I apologise for being such a boring and depressed person irl
Had some chats with mostly Amy, Feng and Joyce about this and that ratta-tat-tat that's thats. WHEN SHE PRESSED ME ABOUT MY OBSESSION WITH BAE FUCK it has been a really progressive two days
We ate lots and then walked to Sanctuary where we all got long islands. SAW BANHDREW OMG. fuck you victor????????????????
We went to Albion's randomly but we got there and it was all old people so we went back to Sanct and got more lit. Idk I had like 2 and a half long islands and I thought it would hit me really hard but it never did.

Went karaoke and ye it was fun hahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa don't fucking show me videos of it though 

Only Christine, FD, Amy, Feng and I were left after karaoke and we wanted to go to another bar but we needed to put our stuff down at her auntie's hotel first so we walked there and it took us like fucken 1 hour. We felt so awkward going there because there were like 3 girls there that we didn't know and we were imposing on their room. we also started eating their food too lol. WE didn't end up going back to the bar because too tired :/


Went outside to chat with Christine for a little bit and smoke some ciggies (HAHAHHA FUCKKK THEY WERE SO MINTY THOUGH). Feng/FD/Amy could overhear our convo and they were like does she know what she's doing? I'm so close to not giving a fuck at this rate HAHAHAHAH 
Had the shittest sleep (everything I get drunk and sleep NOT IN A BED its shit). IT WAS SO COLD MY FEET WERE GONNA FALL OFF.

Left the next morning and had brek at Three Williams and it was sooooooooooooooooooooo yummy but kinda pricey cus Surry Hills BUT FUCK SO DELICIOUS we got french toast, something and something else. 

Today (Monday)

I'm legitimately a dropkick I didn't finish my assignment and handed it in half complete holy fuck HAHAHAH I THOUGHT I DIDN'T WORK HARD THEN WHAT AM I NOW !?!?! (UPDATE: THEY EXTENDED THE DEADLINE BY 4 HOURS CUS EVERYONE IS A DROPKICK LMAO YAY)

also forgot to do my adaptive tutorial which is the easiest 1% ever
I'm playing cherry wine to the beat of Mantosh hitting his head


Watching mary and jesus doing their hippie shit at animal protests at 9:30 pm the day before my ELEC exam I am questioning what I'm doing with my life more and more times every day

My mum has this juicer she got off my grandma and she's been making the weirdest drinks like they're purple/green/orange and theres so many vegetables in them

ALSO wow momentous day yesterday before Lion with Eugene and Stephen I was not planning for it to happen like that oh well EUGE handled it so awkwardly it was so funnY. first there was a lil shock then a lotta nervous laughter oh poogene and then STephen was just in the background like
yeah it did

this homophobe actually went there wow


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