Saturday 15 April 2017

mid-sem break begins


MMAN tutor be like "the sign remains N*GGAtive"
Guess what I did scrape a pass in ELEC with a whopping 28/50 WOW (this may be the shittest I have ever done in an exam... worse than my 60% in year 7 PE). 
Had tute in the morning, 6 hour break until TAFE when I just sat in Hilmer with Amy + Stephen and did maths. 

TAFE was so-so. We finished off our piece from last week and also learnt how to bore and chamfer... pretty cool?

Stephen and I finished at 9 and had to wait to meet Eugene/Amy who were at TSA cruise. We went to Kobow to get dinner and to get drunk LOL we split 3 bottles of soju between us two then when Amy and Eugene came we ordered even more. 
Stephen and I have pretty depressing conversations sometimes we're both just like
I saw Alex from Jimmys and it was so fucking awkward I SHOOK HIS FUCKING HAND WHO DOES THAT 

Basically we got really drunk and stumbled into Sanctuary which was so dead at 1 am at night and we ran into Daniel Ahn who said he had a bottle of vodka stashed nearby so we went to find it with him and he like pulled it out from a random bush but when he opened the bag the bottle fell and shattered and he was so sad HAHAHAHAH
Went back to Hursy by night bus and Amy's bro picked us up at like 2 am. 
yeah also I'm smelling cigarette smoke on the streets and I'm not repulsed by it anymore...I can just breathe it in normally. omw to lung cancer. Cancer is such a shit way to die though. I need that deep web hitman


Had the most fucked up dream holy shit I felt so dirty and depressed after it I woke up in my dream and told Canada about it then I ACTUALLY woke up and told Canada about it so dream-ception and it was like ??? IDK (also I would get so judged if I told anyone what it was about irl ha ha nervous laughter lmao lol good1 subconscious why are you like this fuck maybe I should get drunk more so I can have these dreams)

Woke up with typical dry throat and slight headache. We went to eat overpriced yum cha (PUBLIC SERVICE SURCHARGE AND THEY ALSO CHARGED US FOR TEA LIKE FUCK BLEED ME DRY) and just went to S-Bread to buy more food cus we weren't that full. Also I was the only canto speaking one out of everyone so for once I felt kinda useful.

Euge, Stephen and Amy were reading my blog when I was in the car RIGHT NEXT THEM... I WAS LIKE JUST TALK TO ME?!?!?! HAHAH SO UGLY PHOTOS FOR PAYBACK YA SLUTS
stephen really wants credit for that adaptive tutorial / mantosh gif-joke combination two posts ago so just letting y'all know

and also didn't think through the fact I was going to be staying over at Amy's for so long...I'm stuck with this R15E HIGH shirt for 4 DAYS. 

Amy drove Stephen home so while awaiting her return we ate our S-bread and Eugene and I talked about really random things before realising KEVIN WAS STILL AWAKE IN HIS ROOM SO COULD OVERHEAR SO MANY THINGS HE WASN'T SUPPOSED TO HEAR lol but again I think I'm really passed the point of giving a shit anymore.... 

Amy came back...then we watched 9 back to back episodes of 13 Reasons Why. Took a little break to drive Euge home and get dinner. Now its 12 am and Amy's sleeping and I'm kinda like wow I've really hit rock bottom.


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